
Day 2,793, 08:51 Published in USA USA by ResouIa

Well hey there fellow black sheep, how's it going? I'm Resoula, you may know me, I am a current congressman in TBSP and a happy member of the honor guard. I just wanted to announce that I will be running for Party President and I hope I can receive your vote in the upcoming election. But why should you vote for me? What's so special about me? Well lets make a list of a few reasons why I think you should vote for me! And did I need an article to ask for your votes? Heck no I didn't, but I love the media and I love being active in it, so I refuse to pass up any opportunity I get to write an article. I hope you enjoy the read!

#1. I am a fresh face. I have never once served as PP before, and what's a more enthusiastic face than a fresh face? I have my experience in party politics to back my attempt even though I am fresh however. I have served as a congressman for 10 non-consecutive terms in my time here in TBSP and I have been spokesman this previous term of Party President, to compliment my role as the lead media director of TBSP, which I will be maintaining if you choose to elect me. I have put forth full effort in helping my party, and will give it 110% if given this responsibility.

#2. I want to take a new approach to the discussion of politics in our party. Up until now the discussions have all been between those curious enough to post a post on the feed to ask where the party "officially" stands on topics, which has been decided by a discussion on IRC by the most active party members. And there are still people not within our party that do not know how a majority of our party tends to feel on things. Therefore I will be beginning a publication of discussions and debates over "hot topics" in eUSA politics where I collect opinions from members of TBSP, and publish them, following with the organization of a debate on these topics, which will also be published. In this way the message of where we stand as a party will become clear by the words of our own party members, and persons interested in taking a more active role will have a new opportunity to take part in. I am working on my first article already, whether I win or lose, which will be revolving around the topic of USAF. It will display TBSP's opinions from different sheep that volunteer their input, and a debate shall be held shortly after.

#3. I am very active. As the media director almost since the time I joined the party. As a recruiter for the party in the last few months. I participate heavily in the meta-game, which is where a majority of a PP's and job will be spent and done. And I would only increase my activity as my responsibilities increase.

#4. I avidly wish to increase party relations. Up to this point our party has not held a good relationships with any party except with SFP at one point. Only had moments of cooperation during times of pushing laws, tax changes, and the like. But I believe in taking a more active role in maintaining friendly communications with Party leaders and their active members. To start on this I have joined every T6 party's IRC two months ago and have been meeting plenty of the people I will be working alongside. There is still more to do, more people to meet, and more relationships to be made in order to further cooperation, but it is a goal I wish to attempt to achieve.

And lastly,
#5. I will help you be what you want to be in this party. I will not partake in unsolicited mass messaging under any conditions, as we all know how annoying that can be. I will continue the routine of putting all important information on our party feed and on the forums where you can check at your leisure. I shall announce the exact times and dates of any debates I shall be hosting, should you want to take part, as they will be an excellent time/place to meet and mingle with your other party members. I shall provide you plenty of media to keep you informed during my term, and I will be active on IRC, in PMS, and on the feed as much as I possibly can to answer any questions, requests, or feedback any of you may have for me.

And that's a wrap! Thank you all for your time! I hope you black sheep will consider voting me for your next party president. I hope to see you at the elections. Farewell for now!

★★★★ Baaaa o7 ★★★★