Madelina's Manifesto

Day 2,415, 10:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

I don't expect to win PP in a party that has been so heavily infiltrated with multis and those from another party who want to ruin TUP. But I do owe those supporting me an manifesto, of sorts.

It's simple.

This is the people's party, to me the PP is simply the person who coordinates efforts to ensure they thrive. Who seeks their views and represents them in council with leaders of other parties. Who communicates what is going on - and why, that's the biggie - to those in the party who aren't privy to the councils.

And that's it. I stand as the person who will REPRESENT you, not who will boss you around, insult you, lie to you or ignore you.

Do I know what I'd be getting myself into? That's a resounding NO! Not a clue, and that's an indictment of our current leadership. Anyone here know what's been going on in the eworld? If so, please enlighten me!

I'm not ever looking to be CP - I think that requires someone with more time, more experience and a far thicker skin - and I really have no ambitions towards PP other than as one standing to try to bring back some sanity and an adult attitude. Will I work with all the others? Yes - until the point where they start insulting people and refusing to discuss topics in a reasonable fashion. Will I agree with every decision made at national level? Unlikely. We're a diverse lot with a bunch of different viewpoints, and TUP's will not always prevail. Will I compromise to make progress? Of course, those who won't find themselves in a situation where nothing is accomplished.

A couple points:

Immigration: Congress has failed for ages to pass an immigration law. I will push for one that bans immigration from any hostile nation. No matter how "nice" they come across... well, spies come across as very "nice".

Finance: I will push for some sort of system (if that's possible, the way the site is set up) to ensure our national funds are no longer plundered by those with less than good integrity.

Education: Okay, I have to give a shout for eBrit University, and yes, I will remain Chancellor. It's an easy job, thanks to the wonders of spreadsheets, Word and the cut-and-paste keys!

NHS: One of the best things in the eUK. And yes, I'll remain one of the people who help supply our newer/smaller members with the energy they need to become strong, active eUK citizens.

Don't forget to vote! Even if it isn't for me.... if you don't vote, you have no right to complain about the results....