Madelina for Congress!

Day 2,309, 01:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

Time to throw my hat in the ring.

Those of you who don't know me - which is most of you.... I'm Madelina de Melrose, I've been playing eRep for quite some time now. I started then stopped for a bit and one day out of boredom came back to it... and stayed.

Why did I quit the first time? I was frustrated that there seemed to be nothing to help people learn how to be an active participant in anything other than building goods and fighting. I could see there was more happening, and I started getting on a soapbox and yelling. The ruling cliques all understood what they were saying, but nobody outside the bubble knew what the terms and acronyms meant. And as a taxpayer, I felt I deserved to know more.

Long story short, I ended up working as one of the NHS "Lunch Ladies" for a while and ended up as NHS Director. While in that position I was able to start eBrit University, a task-based training system for new members, with rewards provided for each task completed.

But there is still a gap. I don't know what Congress does (okay, from reading various articles, I gather the answer is: nothing) or how the ministries work. If I want to help new players learn, I really need to know this myself! Since I remain Chancellor of eBrit Uni, it makes sense that I throw in my hat as a candidate for Congress and hope to be assigned to the Education committee. That will not make eBrit U a government organisation, but it should open up some opportunites - on both sides - to make improvements and make this game a more positive, enjoyable experience for new players. Hopefully they won't then quit, like I did.

Do I promise you a booming economy, dominion over vast swathes of territory, riches galore? No, I can't make any promises, and anyone who does make those promises is probably lying through their teeth. There are too many variables for one person to have that much influence.

Do I promise to do my best for the eUK, regardless of party or personal affiliations? You bet I do. There have been some problems between parties of late. If I can help broker a peace, that would be great. If I can help expose those who are "doing the dirty" to the eUK, I will. I am a proud citizen of this country and my #1 goal is for the eUK to be as great as the UK was in its heydey.

Don't forget to vote!