Last one to leave....

Day 1,410, 16:19 Published in Australia Australia by Ranger Bob

I'll admit, last night was dissappointing. We ended up losing both Victoria and Chimor, mostly due to some late night/early morning rallying on behalf of the serbs who were _very_ committed late on to kick us while we were down and take our Peru region...

However, I'd like to point out that it's not like we haven't been here before people.

It's not whether we lose. It's what we do next that defines US as a nation.

Sure we bicker. Often reading the forums I wonder whether I end up losing grey matter from some of the mindless trolling and tit for tat crap we fling at each other (or, maybe the more vocal few do anyway).

BUT for all our flaws. For our infighting, for all the times I shake my head at it - the people of eAustralia DO NOT walk away.

You'd think the constant cycle of occupation, deals to keep a few regions, subsequent betrayals and occupation again would lead to many walking away. But, we tend to hang on to a core group of committed eAussies - even people who rage quit our shores for a while tend to come back in our time of need.

Why? Because we are a community. Because though the relationship might be a little love-hate on occasion, we all agree we want eAustralia to exist, and to remain on the map. It's why we fight. Because we love her.

I doubt I'll ever hear the first line of the quote that is the title of this article. There will never be a last Aussie who leaves and turns off the light so to speak.

And, we should draw strength in that. eAustralia will NEVER truly lose so long as you remain, and as long as you to continue to fight. That's the true win, not whether we hold or lose a region or 6 month to month.

So keep fighting folks! Never give up, never surrender!