Just For Laugh

Day 452, 23:52 Published in Argentina Indonesia by Masila
And the answer is
One day Siddy goes to USA to speak with Benn Dover about the future of Atlantis. After hours passing, the topic switch to cultural themes. Then Benn start to explain about the habit of the USA citizen.

Benn : Here, if a man answer some question with "yow", it means he's a man with IQ lower than 30. If he say "yes, off course" it means that his brain is equal with an elementary school. If He answer with "yap", he's a common people and you can talk a lot with him. If he answer with "i see" than he's a genius man.

Siddy : Wow, all of you have a habit like that?

Benn : Yow...

This story is about JaMat, the man that stole USA treasury 2 month ago. Do you know the true story? Here it is...

In USA weapon factory, the employee that work at night often steal the company things. Guns, supplies, equipments and others. Because of that, Uncle Sam ask the security to check all of the employee when they are get back to their house every morning. One morning an employee that we know as JaMat come with a trolley full with old newspaper. The security smile and say to himself, "You think you can fool me." Then the security speak to JaMat:
S : "unload the newspaper, i want to see inside, dont hide anything you fool!"
JaMat then unload the newspaper but nothing is inside the trolley. The security start to confuse and asking Jamat :
S : "Then why you take these all newspaper?"
J : "This all make our factory dirty, and the cleaning service never clean these. So i take this to be recycled at my home."

Because nothing is worried, then the security let JaMat go. Since that morning, JaMat continue too get all of the old newspaper every morning.
Time passing and at the end of the year Uncle Sam call the security to his office.
U : "You are fired!!!"
S : "Hey hey, why you do this to me? I work hard and there's nothing missing again in our factory!"
U : "Ow yeah? So then, explain about THE MISSING OF 365 TROLLEYS!!!"

There are many more
An Indonesian, a Russian and a Norwegian are sail togather with a small boat. In the middle of Atlantic Ocean, the boat start to sink. Water flow inside the boat, because the boat is overweight. The Indonesian react then. He throw guns, diamonds and gifts, grain and a lot of food. The Russian and Norwegian are surprised and asking:
"Why are you threw that goods? It's expensive and hard to find!"
The Indonesian answer them:
"Don't worry, there are many more in my country"

The boat are floating up, but the water still rush in and sooner the boat will be sink.
The Russian don't want to lose from the Indos, so he start to throw tons of oil, iron and grain and also the flag of Russia and his Communist Party. Looking this, The Norwegian and Indonesian are surprised and asking:
"Why are you threw that goods? It's expensive and hard to find!"
The Russian answer them:
"Don't worry, there are many more in my country"

The boat are floating up, but the water still rush in and sooner the boat will be sink.
Then the Indos and Russian take a deep look to the Norwegian. Know that he must do something, the Norwegian walk and throw the Russian to the ocean.
The Indos are shocked and can not say anything, but the Norwegian smile and say to the Indos:
"Don't worry, there are many more in my country"

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Remember, all of this is just for laugh. If you laugh or only smile, then help me, subscribe my newspaper. Hope i'll bring you another joke 😁

Baby Reggards