Join the struggle: North Korean Guard

Day 1,324, 14:34 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3
Now that we find ourselves under foreign occupation once again, it is time for you to serve your duty to give North Korea a fighting chance at regaining its sovereignty and independence from foreign aggression and oppression. Raise your right hand, and join the fight.

What is the North Korean Guard?

The North Korean Guard is the longest running defensive service in the country. Established by the City Party under supreme leader Afanasiy Drago after the first Russian invasion, the Guard is tasked with organizing of resistance movements, wartime media, fund raising, and political reorganization after liberation. The Guard is not a military unit, it is an official government established service run by civilian auxillary. It was established by Drago to ensure North Korean nationalists will continue to fight on and maintain influence during occupation and liberation, and it has been relatively successful.

How do you join the Guard?

It is a very simple process, change your avatar to a North Korean flag or official sheild, or contact myself, Strasser, Kim Young, or any other politician.
Once you are involved it is simple, you are directed to take involvment in any resistance or military operaton involving NK liberation. We also help fund resistance movements, so raising money and donating gold to foreign military units may be asked of you. Participating in the media is always appeciated too.

Defendere tueri et serviamus

North Korean Guard media defense organization 2008-2011