It's time to move forwards, not backwards...

Day 2,128, 06:17 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Canada it's time to grow some balls and it's time to stop arguing over the past. DMV has been elected, some of you like this, some of you hate this. Personally I didn't care who won the election and think everyone would have done a good job. The winner was DMV, YES I supported him, and why not? It was fully in my rights to support him and looking at some of the comments I have received since I do not regret it because people's real personalities come to light in situations like this.

I was one who voted no to the CoT proposal, I also ran DMV on the ballot to make the election interesting, I didn't actually think he would win but I am pleased he did. The disunity is pointless, people holding grudges for no reason. So what if he didn't contact EVERYONE for the trail membership? At the end of the day congress agreed with the proposal and it went through, I still don't agree with it but that's not the point.
The sad thing is people have instantly held it against him that he's American. So what? It's a game...
I've had people questioning my loyalty and calling me the 'untrustworthy Brit' 'never trust a Brit' 'British backstabber' 'British PTOer' - Oh really...? I would have thought I would have proved who I was by now, looking at the last 8 months yet it seems most of my criticism comes from those who abandoned Canada in it's time of need and roll back in once we have land to resume their usual bullshit and shit stirring.

Instead of holding grudges, instead of bawwing on every article, whining and bitching eCanada should grow a pair and focus on the future, growing our country and helping the eBabies. We are not going to change the past and we have to adapt to different types of leadership. Do I have to remind everyone that this is our first month after the wipe where we can actually breath again and enjoy the bonuses of having a congress? What have we done to support our new players? What have we done to keep people in the country who have moved here to help?
From what I have seen there has been PTO attempts, abuse to each other, disunity and mass PMing to get the edge on political opponents. This is all very well but for god sake, lets try and improve the country before we destroy it again? If I was a new citizen to eCanada I would move straight back to wherever I came from because the amount of disrespect is off the scale. I don't know how many people noticed but we ARE STILL UNDER THE GRASP OF SPAIN. Or have we permanently given Spain our east coast?

When we got land back everyone had a vision of a positive future, a fresh start and what has happened? We are back in the same shithole as before we were wiped.

Yes my inactivity is near minimal at the moment, I found a spare 15 mins to write this up and I migrate IRL to Australia in just a few days. I shouldn't care about what happens but since I put in so much effort along with so many others, others who were united, I don't want to see us crumble once again after being in the best position we have got to in months.

Just think Canada. THINK.