Invite your friends and win gold - President rewards this month

Day 2,816, 08:12 Published in India Cuba by Fernando de la Cromid

Thank you for making me the president. Due to my RL job issues, I can only spend few minutes per day on this game. But I'll do my best. My articles will be precise and short without images.

In my period of action, you will win 5 gold for every new citizen you bring to eIndia. 2.5 gold will be given as soon as the player becomes level 15 and the remaining 2.5 gold will be given if the player is vouched by an eIndian from any division other than Div1. You bring in 10 people, you win 50 gold. The one who invites the most will also win a bonus 5 gold in addition to the above.

Bring in friends/any random people to eIndia and send me their links after they join. They might be contacted before you get the reward. Note that you will also win the standard 10% gold given by Plato.

The gold rewards are awarded from my pocket and not from Indian Government. I hope to see atleast 50 new Div1 citizens by the end of my period.

Those who want to contribute for this cause, can donate in my profile. Donations will be noted and honored.

Stay tuned!