Intoducing: Guardians of Cyprus

Day 1,540, 09:58 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by L30n4rdo

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Hello panpas,

A new military era is starting in Cyprus with name.. Guardians of Cyprus.

As the description explains, our first aim is to help some newbies of eCyprus, juniorowls or just simple new eCypriots but the Military Unit is open to everyone who wants to join our group.

Food and some weapons will be distributed for FREE to the babies of the Military Unit. Moreover STR project and game mechanics lessons will be organized in the future.

Our chatroom will be #Guardians in Rizon, in order to have a quicker and better communication between the members.

The main avatar will be this one in the first photo of the article, maybe with some improvements. A frame will also be designed for the members who want to include their own photo in their avatar.

*Our priority will always be the protection of eCyprus from invaders.
*We do not follow TEDEN or president's battle orders.
*First aim is the strengthening of MU's newbies
*The MU is open for everyone who wants to join
*Mercenary battle orders will be followed whenever possible.
*STR project and Game Mechanics lessons will be given to newbies in future

Commander: marcelbe
2nd Commander & General: dishes are done
Official chatroom:

marcelbe, dishes are done
