Interview with smrtan, Polish President

Day 1,152, 18:13 Published in Greece Greece by Makedonissa

As stated in the article with the interview of AThompson, there were two very interesting interviews to be published in my newspaper. Two Presidents that their actions raised voices against them but also in their favor with their recent decisions, answer my questions. One was AThompson as mentioned and as you (hopefully) already read.
The second one is of the President of Poland, smrtan.

Mr President thank you for this interview. A lot have changed in the past few months and big alliances slowly become extinct. I would like your opinion on the disolution of Phoenix and the future of EDEN.
Phoenix was dead since few months, EDEN is also slowly dying. People wants something new. I guess We'll talk about both alliances in a past tense within some weeks. The only problem is that every country has a gang of their old friends and wants all of them to go with.

We see many ex-Phoenix countries seeking allies in their own back yard regardless if they were old friends or enemies. Is this the future of eRep diplomacy? Regional alliances?
This is very possible. On the other hand regional alliances have one negative aspect - they are very weak within some specific hours everyday (just look at old EDEN-Brolliance cooperation; Brolliance sleeps - EDEN fights EDEN sleeps - Brolliance fights). We can expect more than 2 alliances. The question is how long it will work and if there won't be tendences to form 2 supah-dupah-alliances again...

It is certain that a lot of your and also other Presidents choices will become the target of high critisism. We already have the example of Polish and Spanish MPP proposals with Hungary. What is your position on the matter?
Sometimes some individuals must take responsibility for more brave move. Revolution is born with some pain. But unfortunately you can't do that with evolution. You need more or less revolutionary steps and acting fast. Otherwise it will all return to old order.

I recently read an article from HUSARIA stating that they are not going to follow the MPP with Hungary and they are "rebelling" against the Government. Of course this is very disturbing for you but it is a sign of how people still view their moral commitments. Even in Greece there are a lot of voices against this MPP. Is there anything you wish to comment on this?
Husaria and some other groups declared they won't cooperate with polish governement. We acknowledged their statement and excluded them from chain of commands. They are completely private groups and they can do whatever they want. And it's not disturbing so much. There are many other private groups available.

We wittness the example of the Bulgarian-Turkish fight at the moment, where Poland is on one side and Hungary on the other. This of course will continue in the future too. How long do you think it will take for new alliances to stabilise? When will we have the final schemes?
It's quite complicated but both Hungary and Poland understand that We have some old valuable friends and will fight for them. Poland is still an EDEN member and is obliged to defend it's friends. Stabilisation will take few weeks I guess.

What is all this NWO issue? Does it really exist or it is just a wishfull thinking? Are you going to be part of it? Any other inside info that you can share?
It doesn't exist. It doesn't exist so far. But it's in better condition than only "wishfull thinking". 'So called NWO' is not an alliance name. It's simply a New Order of the New World. Brand new alliances, brand new connections and reality. And if you ask me if it's already exist my answer is "not yet, but...."
Just look at PANAM. It's coming...

Finally, rumors have it that NWO will also include FYROM and Turkey and you know very well our relations with them...
NWO will include everyone, as it's not an alliance but a movement. So far I can't tell anything about other countries, especially those of them that are unacceptable for my population

Mr President thank you very much for your time to answer these questions. Any message you wish to send to the Greeks?
Thank you for this interview, and especially for your patience, Makedonissa

My message is simple and clear: