Interview with depici

Day 1,945, 12:14 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by L30n4rdo
I am pleased to publish an interview of one of my best e-friends here. Our panpa & basgan depici. Feel free to write him anything you want before he announces his 'farewell' xD

1)Tell us some info about the person behind this account

complete b.stard. you dont want to be parents of him.
ok, NoGuts wanted me to add sth more so here we are xD
i am 28 yo from istanbul. studied political science. unemployed man against plagiarism.

2)What does the time of your newspaper avatar means?

It related with the name of my newspaper. Jamanak means time in English.

3)Do you think our efforts for building a multinational and independent brotherhood of eCyprus have finally completed?

I think we achieved it long ago already. Now its more trolling and trying to enjoy the game beacuse game is not interesting anymore like the old times. We cant make communes for example. I still think old version of the game was much more better.

4)How hard was for you & your friends to deny your RL country in this game and join eCyprus?

I don't know how it was in e-Greece that time but i was the first one who bandy about the 'United Cyrus' idea in e-Turkey and it got supported. So it seems like it was really easy for me 🙂 You know i like to travel around the e-world also.

5)What do you like most in the game?

citizens. its the only reason why most of the citizens still play this game. online friendship. all gameplay modules are insufficient, without the friendship here, this game is worthless.

6)With which people from eCyprus would you like to meet in Real Life?

there are a lot. but i can tell i would like to meet the ones who supported our idea to create this community here.

7)What's more attractive for a player to join eCyprus community rather than the rest countries like eGR or eTR?

we have fun over here, we can attack 30 times more populated countries without hesitation. we threaten them for fun and taken serious. Its awesome to be COD in another country with almost no allies but personal friendships. I think this is the most enjoyable part.
We are no more than 50 active players.

😎Are you planning to 'farewell' after your term or remain even as less active?

I farewell every night and start over every morning. xD