Interview : MUFC92 , Irish MOD , leader of the Irish Army

Day 1,469, 17:41 Published in United Kingdom Turkey by Turkish Aviator Hero

Here is an interview of MUFC92 the Irish MOd

Feel free to read my previous interview with the following people

erey [FR]
arkanis [FR]
PP of march 2010( Le Grecologue , X-le-variable , Tirsett ) [FR]
Pomponette [FR]
amun nefer [EN/FR]
Grimstone [EN/FR]
Tifididl [FR]
Nanotik [FR]
fox blotch [FR]
Jamesw [FR/EN]

Hi MUFC92 , you probably don’t remember, but we met on the Turkish channel while we were both looking for the Turkish citizenship. At that time you were an ambassador of Croatia in Turkey. Now you are one of the most important people in Ireland.So could you please tell us your eLife ?

Oh I remember it now 🙂 My eLife started in v1, back then I was the commander of the Croatian Ultras ( a paramilitary unit) and i learned the basics of this game. I saw an add on facebook about how Serbia attacked Croatia and then I joined game. I joined eIreland. Even in v1, i was eFriend with Marcus and came into eIreland, but i got banned. Then i decided to come back in game. So, I started my new eLife in “Vatreni Gušteri” , that is part of Croatian Army for new players, after growing up a little i went to 3 GB Kune (Croatian Brigade), I founded the party Krug 13 in eCroatia and we were a really nice group of guys who wanted to help eCroatia. Then I became Minister of Education, I got involved in ambassador programs, I even became vMinister of Informations. In RL I love Ireland and when I got bored in eCroatia I decided to move to eIreland. I never thought that I would be so important here to be honest. IBhoy and other guys from the Irish Army decided to give me chance to lead Irish Army and I did a good job, after-all I became Minister of Defence, and I think that I continue to do good work.

So, as we can read you are what we should call an enemy of the eUK.What is your point of view about the eUK ? And about this war ?

Yes, probably you should call me your enemy. My point of view about UK in RL is not good, I really don’t love you guys xD Sorry, but I will be honest in this interview. My opinion is like this: because of RL history of your country against Ireland, and Croatians were in a similar situation, so we really love Ireland, you can see it in this game too. Of course, I can’t generalize whole nation. I love Manchester United, I love the Premier League, I met some people from the UK in RL and saw them as good people, but this is a game so let’s play it 🙂 I don’t think this war helps your eCountry or our eCountry. To be honest, it’s useless war. This is not Ireland vs. UK, this is EDEN vs. ONE, and my personal opinion is that we should close our war, but on the other hand, I don’t know what is better then fighting against UK for any Irish soldier. We are ready to listen and talk about peace, but trust me, we are ready to fight as long as you want it 🙂

What do you think of ONE , TERRA and of course EDEN ?

My opinion about ONE is not good. ONE is not alliance. In ONE, everyone wants to develop their own country, they want take what they can, while EDEN is long-term alliance. I would call EDEN a brotherhood, as we don’t have to be stronger, but we will keep being brothers, giving everything for each other. I don’t want to say there is no friendship within ONE, there are countries there who would risk everything to help ally, but it’s very differant in EDEN. We have been, and will be, friends for a long time now. And Terra, they are loyal and good friends, always help during night 🙂

How do you see your personal future ? Keep leading the Irish army ? President ? Join EDEN HQ? Something else ?

I will keep doing what I think I’m doing bestl and that is Commandment of Irish Army. We really have improved ourselves 200% in last two months 🙂 I was thinking about the CP place, but I will not run for that place if there is someone else who can be good on CP place. On next elections we have Bhane and Padraig running. I would say that they both can be great CP’s, so I will not run, but if I think that I can do better than other candidates on some future elections I will run. About EDEN HQ, I think this is realistic, even in near future 😁 but let’s wait a little more. I’m looking to founding a new party in eIreland, Irish Progressive Party. I would like to share my ideas on how to improve things there, and will probably have that party founded soon.

Now, let’s imagine that tomorrow you become Plato. What would you change on erepublik ?

I would definitely bring back the old war module from v1, with restricted number of fight, good old wall, and such stuff 🙂 I’m not one of people who attacks Plato all the time, for me he had some good changes and some bad one. Anyway i wouldn’t like to be Plato, because then everybody would be mad at me all the time for any my decisions xD

If you have to leave eIreland where would you go ?

Croatia of course. But, i don’t see myself anywhere except in eIreland currently and in future too 🙂

I’m French irl ,and I have been french ig for quiet a long time , what is your opinion about eFrance ?

eFrance was really turbulent during this game. They were with Terra, Phoenix, they were on both sides, but looks to me that they love Terra more now. They have good fighters, I hope they will grow as country. Unfortunately they missed opportunity with their baby boom last time, they didn’t kept babies in game. I hope next time will be different 🙂

Ok thank you very much for this interview do you have anything else to add ?

Now, when I have the opportunity to say something to the Brits, I would say: It’s your choice. Will we have war or peace? But you must know Ireland is ready for both and waits your answer!
And, why we can’t start RW in Northern Ireland? (kidding, don’t become mad, this is just a game)
o7 to Irish soldiers and respect for UK fighters, you’re not bad too 🙂