I Choose...

Day 797, 14:16 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

(drum roll here)

Emmanuel Cruise for VP!

Many people already know this announcment, so to them it's simply a final confirmation. For those that do not, allow me to introduce my choice for Vice President of the United States: Emmanuel Cruise.

Just Who Is Emmanuel Cruise?

Emmanuel Cruise has been a three-time Congressman from the AAP. He is actively involved in the AAP and is the current AAP party president. Emmanuel Cruise is also well-known for starting the userbar frenzy on the eUSforums. He has long been a active and present member in issues of Congress and party politics. His capabilities in citizen outreach and energy are outstanding. He's level 20 and joined eRep near to the time when I did. Therefore he's been around the block enough and witnessed first-hand serious national crises.

OK, That's Great, Why Did You Choose Him?

I chose Emmanuel for several reasons, all personal. For starters, there are so many well-qualified, effective and active citizens that it's difficult to choose a running mate. In this regard the eUS is truly fortunate in that we have a level of activity and concern in our populace that helps us be quite competitive. Emmanuel certainly fills that requirement.

My more personal criteria, however, were preeminent in leading me to Emmanuel. I was forced to make a list of the most important traits that I desired in a running mate. To me, any missing element on this list was a deal breaker. I desired someone who:

1. Exhibited RESPECT FOR OTHERS above all else.

Politics can be a rough and tumble game, especially at this level. I didn't want someone who enjoys biting sarcasm, insults or insinuations as methods to make a point. I wanted someone who considers what other citizens have to say as vital to forming an opinion. Emmanuel certainly is RESPECTFUL.

2. Diligence towards personal goals.

Emmanuel has made it a personal crusade to organize and improve the functioning of the eUS' largest political party, the AAP. The success of the AAP at this point in time is fundamental to the success of the eUS and Emmanuel's commitment to build his party cannot be questioned.

3. Devotion to Citzen Retention.

Emmanuel pushed for improved Education Department programs to improve citizen retention long before it was sexy to do so. A vocal supporter of the 10,000 Fists! campaign, Emmanuel took a different approach to citizen retention that I would like to see more of: he sees political parties as being vital to any effort in retetion. Much like my party, The Federalists, Emmanuel has been pushing for increased programming towards new citizens and two-clickers amongst the AAP. I applaud him for this.

4. Energy, Commmitment and Approachability.

Finally, I am online in eRep upwards of twelve hours a day, every day. My VP would have to have simliar devotion to the eUS as a whole and Emmanuel certain fulfills this criteria. The only way to make the administration run is to BE ACTIVE - I am well aware of this after six months of working in the Executive Branch. But being active online isn't enough if you're a dick about things. This is where Emmanuel shines; he's affable, friendly and always willing to pitch in and help when needed, no matter if it is a member of Congress, the President, the military or his party calling.

In Short, He's Got Style AND Substance

Emmanuel is the real deal and I'm thrilled to have him onboard as my working partner. I've learned in my time in the White House and Cabinet that it's not necessary what you do but rather HOW you do it. Emmanuel has the goods and knows how to act.

Please pull the lever for Emmanuel Cruise for Vice President on February 5th!

E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.

I'LL SAY IT AGAIN: Together we have strength beyond measure. Do your part. Follow DoD orders. Fight with weapons. Maintain your wellness. SUPPORT THE CAUSE.