Honesty of a madman

Day 873, 08:32 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

I sat here debating if this was a fitting title to this article as i grabbed the 3rd last beer(Not worried the candy store opens at noon) of the night or should i say morning. Anyways the Crimson is used to telling you how it is. Now its time for me to tell you how it is and has been lately.

At the height of our glory Bruck and other officers of the CC wanted to expand. We expanded into the Aussieland with Rainer as or go hard to start the glory that is the Crimson Devils. Rainer has since resigned and after a week of no supply the CD has since been repleced with a new leader and hopefully weapons. Do they still suck?
I love you cypher but supposudly u lead this massive fail operation to a country that hates us and doesn't want us there.

Onwards towards the next CC expansion which is the Crimson Guard. this was a great start when we were at our height of glory with great leadership...............Hmmmm Where'd they go Alias and Gofarman wanted this done.................................... .....I can do nothing more than keep pushing the button. I like to push the button............................
Alias is busy with eCan govy lemmings and Gofarman has been busy in eZA for 4 weeks. GOfarman is the official commander of the CG. It woulda been pretty nice of him to........ya know maybe place a a new person in command.... Like maybe Dycey Farley. Nah lets just run to eZA and let the CG our investment rot.

This is my finisher to my friends of this game and all those i've looked up to. Bruck.......where do we get started.... I respect you man and you made me what i am. But man are you a lazy @#$%!!@#$&^%$$####@$@%$@%$.
You have some great idea's. But your a thinker not a doer and when you think to much the TCO suffers. You rely on others to do the dirty work for u as far as i have seen since you put this so called militia together.
Have you once supplied the troops manuely?
Have you once done anything besides being the so called figurehead.


The CC F the TCO its been the CC for awhile has not been nothing but a base of lower power for you. You want presidency and thats it, i can respect that. But let the leaders of CC or TCO lead.

I'm unhappy with the functioning of this militia since I stood down and i have changed the passwords of all of CC holdings and fired everyone. I won't let them go till you guys get your act together and remember what we were about.

F TFD and all his pics I bet you read this all anyways.