History Lesson 1 - inci did it

Day 1,530, 07:13 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by L30n4rdo
Where does this "inci did it" come from?

Actually this phrase was firstly used from rivals of iNCi.

***eTurkey, while they were still in ONE, used this excuse when eSerbia became angry about Turkish votes for Kosovo.

The unofficial answer of eTR about the 84% voting for independent Kosovo was "inci did it".

In order eTR to prove to Serbians that they were "loyal allies" and they considered iNCi as enemies they tanked hard against eCyprus.

Our answer was immediate...

iNCi fought hard against eTR in a Resistance War of Ukraine and after winning a round we made shouts "INCI DID IT" for trolling them.

***About two months ago someone published a controversial article in the official ONE.HQ newspaper. After some hours the article was deleted and ONE commanders claimed that someone had hacked the newspaper of ONE.hq

After many rumours ONE accused iNCi of hacking their org and publishing such an article that would cause problems between the countries of ONE.

"inci did it" was brought to light again.