Hasil PILKADA eIndonesia

Day 93, 00:16 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Panca

Daftar Pemenang PILKADA, sumber [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/local_elections-49.html] http://www.erepublik.com/local_elections-49.html[/a]

Local elections in Ambon
Results for Feb 20, 2008 elections
Candidate Votes
aeonflux WINNER !!!
from NCS ! party 5
from IDS party 4
from AGIP party 1

Komentar :HIDUP NCS !!!

Local elections in Jakarta
Results for Feb 20, 2008 elections
Candidate Votes
blink-az WINNER !!!
from IDS party 83
Bundo Kanduang
from NCS ! party 40
from PRM party 31
from AGIP party 16
Duh Bundo, sabo-sabo wargo sabo di sayang admin 🙂

Local elections in Jayapura
Results for Feb 20, 2008 elections
Candidate Votes
Irfan Is Back WINNER !!!
from IDS party 6
from NCS ! party 6
bocah aneh
from PRM party 3
dono kasino indro
from AGIP party 2
MR. MOMOT anda Sebenarnya Layak Jadi Gub. Karena nilai sama dengan Irfan
Biar nanti saya tanyakan ke depdagri 🙂


Local elections in Mataram
Results for Feb 20, 2008 elections
Candidate Votes
Kock Andy WINNER !!!
from IDS party 7
from NCS ! party 2

Bulan Depan NCS harus menang di Mataram ! We'll be back !!!


Local elections in Medan
Results for Feb 20, 2008 elections
Candidate Votes
sirhc WINNER !!!
from IDS party 25
Sutan Makmur
from NCS ! party 11
from AGIP party 6
from PRM party 6

Komentar : Sabar Bang, untuk bulan depan kita atur strategi


Local elections in Palu
Results for Feb 20, 2008 elections
Candidate Votes
sandygee WINNER !!!
from IDS party 7
from NCS ! party 6
from AGIP party 5
from PRM party 2

Komentar : Anjriiit kalah tipizzz 🙂


Local elections in Samarinda

You placed your vote for the local elections!
Results for Feb 20, 2008 elections
Candidate Votes
madhy WINNER !!!
from NCS ! party 19
from IDS party 10
from AGIP party 6

Komentar : Sudah selayaknya, NCS menang di Basisnya 😁