Good Luck eAustralian

Day 811, 05:47 Published in Australia Australia by Arthinian

HI all,

Well, i have finally had enough of eRepublik life.
I have come to realise that there are some awesome people in eAustralia who continually get overlooked or ridiculed because they don't play the game the way some knob jockeys on here think it HAS to be guessed it, there are also some absolute pigs who think that this online world is there own little playground where they can act up while mummy and daddy aren't watching.
In RL i hope you do not behave as badly as you do online (no need for names, you know who you are)
To the younger citizens who have just started, good luck to you...and play the game the way you want to, not how some jerks on here try to manipulate you to play it. Have fun and enjoy it, it is in the end only a game. And i know there are many people who would help you out in the new world.

I may have lossed the plot, or maybe i have just come to my senses and realised when it isn't fun anymore than you shouldn't be invested in it. So good luck all and good bye, i only ever wanted to make the game interesting and enjoyable for all those who just started and make the country for everyone, not simply those who visited the forum and the IRC.

I honestly do not care whether you like me or not, so slag away and show your true colours in the comments section, frankly, you really do not even know me.

A tip for all those who take this game too serious
1. Lighten the hell up 🙂
2. Arrogance and attitude do not get you far in life
3. Spend more time with you family and kids (if you have them), not on eRepublik.
anyway...take care
peace people, all the best in your eRep life.