go australia

Day 752, 11:18 Published in Australia Switzerland by Dan/naD Wilshire

You were right. Told you English people don’t know anything. Then let’s go for an easier target. How about Mexico. Less people, and lower experience. Should be easy. Should...

You don’t drink drive? Lol. You still rock anyhow 🙂. So do you agree with me. Should we take on Mexico?

My battle plan, you will think is bad. But then I’m English so you couldn’t expect too much. First we take Baja. This is because it has no hospital or defence system (it would help if we had an alliance with the U.S.A if we don’t already have one). Then Oaxaca ect. All the weak one’s first Lol.

Then we will flourish and then be able to take over cocky Iran. They suck we rule =} vote and subscribe. Plz 🙂