Funny Bad News.

Day 790, 09:07 Published in Singapore Switzerland by Dan/naD Wilshire

I know i suck, so im glad you lot agree, he is what you've put about me. it made my cry with laughter lol XD.

TheResurrection yesterday
"Another one of my aims will be to get us a defence system. Not just any defence system, a q5 defence system because I think we deserve and need it."

Uh-oh. Lol.

>.> coming right up.
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Arrete yesterday
sry but total propaganda. none of this is possible at the moment in one congr. term I believe 🙂
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Dan/naD Wilshire yesterday
itz not propaganda, just had no where else 2 put my presatation

Deer Park Holdings yesterday
Defence systems aren't very effective without a major population/alliances to back it up.
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Tim Rogers yesterday
Yea dude you need to study up before throwing something out like, "We need and deserve one". A q5 DS is a total waste of money. Get on the forums, It's already been debated many times.[..]f1755
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Dan/naD Wilshire yesterday
a Defence system would make it more apealing for people to move to eSing...

Night Barons yesterday
SIP will make a procedure to let the member become congress.please subscribe this media my media.and i'll announce the procedure in my next article.

Come and Join the new party.
For all new and old player has the same place in this party.
Together we can be the best[..]394/1
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Dan/naD Wilshire yesterday
an anyway, anything i'd do would be better than the current congress.

Whispering Elizabeth yesterday
"an anyway, anything i'd do would be better than the current congress."

Excuse me?!
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Dan/naD Wilshire yesterday
yuss, the congress arnt doing anything. they went 14 days without doing anything. and i never blamed you miss XD

G and F Incorporated yesterday
"I believe that I am good at arguing my point."

I read your article, and it didn't seem that well argued to me.
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Beyond Average 22 hours ago
> yuss, the congress arnt doing anything. they went 14 days without doing anything. and i never blamed you miss XD

And how exactly do you draw that conclusion?

> Another one of my aims will be to get us a defence system. Not just any defence system, a q5 defence system because I think we deserve and need it.

The only thing other than wasting gold on a Q5 defense system will do is give Indonesia a reason to attack us. We have no threat of a war and a Q5 Defense system will do nothing against our only potential threat of Indonesia. Plus if they did attack us, the gold we would use for a Q5 Defense system would be better used on tanking that battle and giving ourselves a shot at winning.

Here's some pointers for you. Use the eSingapore forums -[..]x.php , Visit the eSingapore IRC #esingapore, read about the country and see what our government is doing already. Get to know the country before you plan to run for congress.
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Kryteshyft 15 hours ago
Okay, the reason that Singapore's congress hasn't proposed many resolutions recently is because:
Some congress people run, use their resolutions and citizenship passes and leave. Either because they are PTOers or they want to do something productive and then go fight.
Some congressmen run, win, and then don't play the game anymore.
Some congressmen are conservative and don't want to propose anything until their absolutely sure about it
and Some congressmen are just responsible and propose the most urgetn resolutions when they come up, frequently early in the term.

But you are right, a lot of congress usually is inactive, which is a shame. Just, believe people when they tell you that a q5 DS is a /terrible/ idea, (I can link you to an article I wrote on it) and keep your ears open, be respectful, and Sing will treat you just fine.
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Alucard450 7 hours ago
Everyone kinda jumped on the writer's DS idea, which as we discussed in the forums is basically a waste of gold, so I wont add to that. However, did everyone else miss another incredulous statement by the writer?

"The final aim is to have a bigger eCountry. We will need help from stronger countries, but i believe that it can, and will be done if i am put into congress."

Seeing as this would mean us attacking either eIndo(sure suicide) or eMalaysia(another sure suicide), I dunno how much faith I'm gonna put into you achieving this just because you get elected into congress.

Also about the inactive congress, I'm not entirely convinced that you wont be one either as you have managed to play this game 77 days without getting a single HW medal...

And seriously man, saying something like:
"an anyway, anything i'd do would be better than the current congress."
It's gonna be pretty hard to garner respect if you do not respect others.
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Dan/naD Wilshire 23 minutes ago
itz called bad news. for a reason lol

Boethiah 2 days ago
Sorry we're neutral.

We don't get involved in eden phoenix conflicts.
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Ronan_ger 2 days ago
what about an mpp with malaysia?
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Boethiah 2 days ago
We will be sorting that out in the next few days all being well.
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Harald I 2 days ago
An mpp with Malaysia would be perfect. They are member of SOL and they do TW constantly.
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Quaye 2 days ago
Yup I'm with Dan/naD Wilshire on this one!

This game is dull if you're only doing training wars all the time..
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Dan/naD Wilshire 2 days ago
britain made singapore independant.

Boethiah 2 days ago
In this game they didn't 🙂, lol

Plus if you join the military you will see action, like when we recently helped australia against brazil, as part of Sol.
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Dan/naD Wilshire 2 days ago
yh, but britain hadnt made singapore independent in real, they wouldnt be independant on this

Boethiah 2 days ago
Maybe in real life, but in the game we don't have any diplomatic ties to them. I'm irl british, but eUK is very different.
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Dan/naD Wilshire 2 days ago
we dont have any ties with anyone, so if we get atacked we'll lose

Boethiah yesterday
We are in an alliance called Sol, and have close ties with those countries. Especially malaysia, we also have close ties to India. Neither malyasia nor indo have given us any trouble.
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Dan/naD Wilshire yesterday
omg that doesnt mean anyother country wont atack us does it?

Boethiah yesterday
I'm not one to tempt fate, but nope, we never have an its unlikley we will, plus there are many allies I'd think of before the eUK came up.
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Boethiah yesterday
Plus if indo did attack which I would never think they would the eUk are their allies and wouldn't help us anyway.
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Dan/naD Wilshire yesterday
i have some strong conections with their goverment lol XD

Whispering Elizabeth yesterday
"there's enought polish people there already, so they must go!"

@Dan: Please to explain.
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Dan/naD Wilshire yesterday
well poland are taking over on this game, and there taking over in real, so were screwed on both accounts.

Preston Sage 20 hours ago
You let a guy like this into eSingapore's congress, then you are asking for trouble. Clueless doesn't even begin to explain him.

Boethiah 3 days ago
Welcome to singapore, we hope you enjoy your stay here. 🙂

Our forums are located here.[..].php

And we have a channel at rizon server called #esingapore, if you have trouble getting there let me know. I'll try to help.

And we aren't really wanting to conquer the world lol, we just wanna thrive 😃 but we hope you can help.

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Demavent 3 days ago
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Chewie Entreprises 3 days ago
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Whispering Elizabeth 3 days ago
Welcome. 🙂
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Atracurium 3 days ago
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Magickiller9 3 days ago
I HATE people being too friendly and letting their guard down before checking the person. I'll be friendly, since you seem to be quite safe. Hi! 😑"... HI! Welcome in, have a seat, (no really, do have a seat) and talk about your plans.
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Mdeusa03 3 days ago
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Dan/naD Wilshire 2 days ago
i'm safe lol XD, i just need my citzen thing acdepted lol