Forever Vengeful

Day 1,106, 03:54 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

I have been gone and nothing has changed.

I have returned and nothing will change, at first

I have returned so those around me will experience change.

Those around me who do not want change.......


This is my official return.


In other news i'm broke, half dead, just fresh outta jail and in need of a job.
Nothing but your usual run of the mill indian these days.

Jail 101 no bs.

If you wish to instigate a fight in jail against someone all you have to do is call them a Goof. Its such a sadsack refrence that no one wishes to be called it.

Goof is considered the ultimate insult in prison.

Inmates are beat and or "Dabbed up" meaning stabbed. Enjoy these little jail blips in each and every forth coming article.