Focus on: eUnited Kingdom May 2010

Day 921, 09:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

Hello and welcome to a new section of my newspaper. These articles will be less fluent than my weekly Population Statistics and this first article is just a test to see how well it performs in the media. I will be asking you to suggest which country I analyze next by commenting below.

As per usual my Population Statistics article will be out Tomorrow.

After writing my weekly population statistics article for a few months now, I've always been asked to mention the UK as the best or worst performing country. However, I have not been able to do this as as it currently stands the UK has never been in the position to be the winner or loser as it's always pipped to those titles. In this article I will analyze the UK's performance in the month of May. I have used the same website from my population statistics to get accurate stats.

Please click the images to get a larger version


Firstly lets have a look at the population of the UK.

The above image shows the population of the UK during different dates in May.

From this image we can see that:
- Our Population has declined by nearly 1000 citizens in a month.
- The decline rate is quite steady losing 200-300 citizens a month.
- Even though we have lost a lot of citizens; we're still ranked 18th against other countries (Out of 60 countries)

A Graph of these figures for a visual representation is shown below.">

Active Population

Now lets look at the active population of the eUK. I have only been looking at this figure for about 3 weeks now so this graph isn't as accurate.">

The above image shows the active population of the UK during different dates in May.

From this image we can see that:
- in half a month we have lost just over 100 active citizens
- we have dropped 2 places to be 17th on the active population rankings

A Graph of these figures for a visual representation is shown below.

New Accounts

Now I'll talk about the new accounts in the eUK

From this image we can see that:
- The eUK has gained over 2500 citizens in 30 days. If none of these citizens died then it would count for over 30% of the population
- Monthly we are averaging 87 accounts a day
- We have recently dropped to 65 citizens a day on average this week.

Two Graphs showing these figures are below.

Main Analysis

Below is some quick stats on the Population of the eUK

From this image we can see that:
- We have gained 2596 new Citizens
- We have lost 947 Citizens
- 3543 Citizens have died
- On average 118 Citizens have died a day

New vs Dead

Here I have averaged the new accounts this month against the dead accounts and have come up with the average decline of citizens in the UK each day this month.

This is very interesting. We're gaining 87 Accounts a day but losing 118 which leaves us at a decline of 32 a day! Hopefully this changes soon!

Thank you for reading my article. Please be sure to vote, comment and subscribe for more of the same! I take feedback very seriously and will try to make any changes that my readers want.

For my next "Focus on" article which country should I look at? Please answer this in the comments below! I know I have a non eUK audience too! 🙂" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />

Oh. Also join the eUK forums. They're cool.