Focus on: ePoland - Population Statistics

Day 926, 15:59 Published in Poland United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

Hello ePoland and welcome to my article focusing on you as a country. If you do not know me already I run sort of successful article on the population statistics of the eWorld and have recently decided to focus on one country in a separate article.

Last week after writing about the eUK I asked my viewers which country they would like to see next and the result was Poland. Enjoy!

In this article I will analyze Poland's performance in the month of May. I have used the same website from my population statistics to get accurate stats.

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Here is the Population of Poland over the month of May.

From this image we can see that:
- Your Population has decreased by nearly 10000 citizens.
- On average Poland loses 2000 citizens a week.
- Poland has been #1 ranked in Population for a long time now, however this might change soon as Serbia/Brazil is catching up.

A Graph of these figures for a visual representation is shown below.">

Active Population

Now lets look at the active population of ePoland. Unfortunately I only started recording the active population of countries 3 weeks ago so this table/graph does not span over a month. I regard "Active" as over 80 wellness and employed. 🙂">

The above image shows the active population of ePoland during different dates in May.

From this image we can see that:
- During these three weeks Poland has lost 1105 active citizens.
- Poland was ranked 1 until the 23rd May when Serbia took over as #1 active

A Graph of these figures for a visual representation is shown below.

New Accounts

Now I'll talk about the new accounts in ePoland

From this image we can see that:
- Poland has gained over 9800 citizens in 30 days which equals an impressive 328 citizens on average a day
- Poland currently (at the time of writing this) has 305 new citizens today, just below average!
- The last 14 days shows evidence that Poland's interest in erepublik has slowed down with the average during this time has been 214 citizens, nearly down 33% on the monthly average of 328
- If none of the accounts in ePoland died this month then they would have 54163 citizens.

Two Graphs showing these figures are below.

Main Analysis

Below is some quick stats on the Population of ePoland

From this image we can see that:
- Poland gained 9831 citizens
- Poland lost 9432 citizens
- 19263 Citizens have died
- On average 642 citizens die a day
- This means the change in population is -314 citizens a day

New vs Dead

Here I have averaged the new accounts this month against the dead accounts and have come up with the average decline of citizens in ePoland each day this month.

This is very interesting. Poland are gaining 328 Accounts a day but losing 642 which leaves them at a decline of 314 a day!

Thank you for reading my article. Please be sure to vote, comment and subscribe for more of the same! I take feedback very seriously and will try to make any changes that my readers want.

For my next "Focus on" article which country should I look at? Please answer this in the comments below!" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />

Oh. Also join the eUK forums. They're cool.