Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee

Day 2,195, 04:27 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

I call out Canada and the UK for a war!

Song for listening, inspired for my recent love for SkA \o/

Now before you all start fretting and giving me excuses why we shouldn't go to war let me propose a war where both Canada and the UK considers it a 'friendly' war for old times sake. I am not talking training war, but the next stage up. Basically not officially calling in allies to help out by launching a gangbang for example, France, Holland, Norway, Ireland, Canada all invading the UK or the whole of TWO invading Canada.

This is the main reason we are not going to war but if we could come to an agreement to put peoples minds at rest and enjoy some good old fashioned redcoat/canuck bashing it would be most appreciated and ofcourse fun.

Personally I am bored of killing Spaniards, I am also bored sitting here in a broken game with nobody to spend my energy bars on. This 6th anniversary would have been a perfect chance to do it and everyone to have a chance to get some tasty bonuses, instead we have been stuck with a RW against Switzerland which we weren't allowed to fight in.

I am writing off the top of my head, but I voice for many people that if we could get an official war up it would be most fun.