eUK Military Units Review + Rating

Day 1,978, 15:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Pat Harper
Greetings eUK,

I recently returned from eCanada to help regain the UK’s regions, help out with a few things and catch up with old friends, and I decided while I am back and not loyal to any particular Military Unit, it would be a great time to conduct an MU tour and give a review on each of the main Military Units the eUK has to offer. I believe the only sizeable MU’s I didn’t survey was People’s Army + Dental Corps.
Let’s get starte😛

The Royal Dragoons

Entry Requirements:
- To be in Division 3 or 4 (this is to turn battles in our favour)
- To achieve 30 kills a day minimum
- Work in commune (For supplies)
- IRC activity:
- Daily (to receive supplies and orders)
- Attend at least 1 out of 2 weekly strikes (Unless given leave by officer)

- All supplies handed out on IRC based on FFs.
- Each member is able to claim up to 15Q7 tanks per supplied day.
- No supplies given outside of strikes on strike days - instead everyone gets supplied together at the strike!
- Supplies for BH/CH attempts may be available depending on strike - it certainly is our aim to make sure if you’re going for it that you get the support for it!
- Supplies are obtained by joining IRC channel and pinging a bot who’ll keep track of everything and make sure a supplier gets to you.
What’s it like?
The Royal Dragoons are very serious about their high hitting reputation and active community, so I do not recommend this MU if you are planning on 2clicking or not interested in being communally active. If is perfect if you are looking for an active MU, focused on defending the eUK and have the ability to totally swing a battle. Everyone in the MU is friendly and more than willing to help anyone stuck for supplies or coin to move around. It is a top class MU and is more than deserving of its high reputation, even if it is Leo doing all the work.

Pat Rating: 7.9/10 (-0.2 Because Cyg is a lesbian)

Tank Nation:

Entry Requirements:
Open to anyone and everyone

- Daily supplies of 7 Q7 Tanks and 10gbp, to those that take a job with a Tank Nation supplier and it is strongly recommend lower division members take this offer up, Our members are also very generous.
-Random food and weapon drops, Just post in the MU shoutbox and someone will send you your needs.
- At Tank Nation if you increase your Military Rank, or XP level, get a TP medal or you win a CH-BH medal, post on the wall to receive your Q7 Tanks.
-Winning Captain of a Regiment - 30 Q7 Tanks,
- Division (1) National Guard - 10 Q7 Tanks.
- Division (2) Soldiers - 15 Q7 Tanks.
- Division (3) Special Forces - 20 Q7 Tanks.
- Division (4) Tanks - 20 Q7 Tanks

What’s it like?
Tank Nation is a great MU, and in my opinion is about par alongside The Royal Dragoons, except for it has the bonus of catering for all levels of player. It has a highly active community and a superb command tree. Once again, the members are very helpful and can hit extremely hard when required to.

Pat Rating: 8/10 (+0.2 for no Cyg)

Imperial Guar😛

Entry Requirements:
Open to anyone and everyone.

weekly supplies every Thursday for those who have fought in the last 2 days, they are 10 Q6tanks and 50 Q5 food.

What’s it like?
This is an MU with great potential; it just needs a better infrastructure which will come in time. The supply rate is low, so it is hard to attract a large number of members, but it is also smart because there is no point giving out a large amount of supplies if you cannot support it. With time comes factories and with factories comes infrastructure and I wish this MU the very best and a solid future.

Pat Rating: 5/10 (With potential of 7)

The Legion:

Entry Requirements + Supply:
Tier 1 – Militia:
Requirement: Over 200 exp and 20,000 rank points in a two week period.
Rewar😛 4 Q7s + £10 for every day worked.
Tier 2 – Auxiliaries:
Requirement: Over 1000 exp or 1000k rank points in the two week period.
Rewar😛 6 Q7s + £10 for every day worked
Tier 3 - Legionnaires
Requirement: Over 2000 exp or 2000k rank points in the two week period.
Rewar😛 10 Q7s + £10 for every day worked
Tier 4 - Praetorians
Requirement: Over 3000 exp or 3000k rank points in the two week period.
Rewar😛 16 Q7s + £10 for every day worked

All Legion members are rewarded with 3x Q7 weapons for every military rank up, level up, and medal gains they achieve while being in Legion. BH/CH medals are worth 5 Q7s.

What’s it like?
Well I personally prefer smaller MU’s (100 or less soldiers) but I was dead impressed by the organisation and leadership of The Legion. The help, community and sheer force of the unit is staggering and pumps out thousands of kills per day. I would say that if you are looking for an MU with a large community and well structured supplies, this is the MU for you. If you would rather a smaller community where everyone knows each other from top dog to noob then maybe look somewhere else.
Pat Rating: 7.8/10

Royal Navy:

Entry Requirements:
Open to anyone and everyone.

Work for a nominal GBP10 a day, plus a weekly weapons drop, with the supplier geenge.
Currently this is at the rate of 8q6 per day worked, due to the current occupation, but this will return to 12q6 or 14q6 per day once we liberate the regions and/or gain more.
There is also a scheme to reward sailors. Any sailor that increases their rank will receive 10q6 tanks, any sailor completes a full rank will then receives 20q6 tanks - so that's 50 q6 per full level. Obviously it is down to the soldier to inform command of any promotion in ranks.

What’s it like?
I started in the Royal Navy when I first started the game before joining Liberty, and I have always liked the unit. Once I learnt more about the game and politics I sort of went anti it because I feel strongly against Military Units being connected to political parties, and since the RN was connected to UKPP I stayed well clear. Recently however the RN has broken away from the UKPP which in my opinion has done the unit much favours and I can safely say it is a great unit to be part of. My only worry is that it may take some time to shake off the UKPP image.
Pat Rating: 6.5/10

British Army:

Entry Requirements:
Open to everyone and anyone

8 Q7 Tanks to 12 Q7 Tanks per day, 400 health after you complete your daily order.

What’s it like?
Well, I personally do not think much of the British Army (Previously Known as Bulldogs) mainly down to the fact they are controlled totally by New Era, and as I said, I am against political MU’s.
I do however respect the fact that the damage dealt is a big number, and is solid in its 2nd spot in the UK Rankings. I have never forgiven the poaching of players in other MU’s even to the extent of joining another MU to advertise in their feeds. I will not go into details as its in the past and what’s done is done. The structure and organisation is indeed not bad, but it just seems that something is missing.

Pat Rating: 5/10

Free British Irregulars:

Entry Requirements:
Open to anyone and everyone.

Is a modest Weekly supply of 25 Q6 Weapons and other weapon supplies to help build rockets if required. Weekly supply of 250 Q5 Food provided when requested.

What’s it like?
Well I have respect for the unit but it just seems very empty + quiet. It only has a handful of active fighters and a fair amount of long dead citizens. The unit needs a re-vamp if it is to be considered having a chance of making it bigger, however I am not sure if that is even the plan. The members who are there currently seem very happy with the MU and I respect that. It has a friendly feel and I wish it the very best.

Pat Rating: 4.5/10 (But has potential)

TUP Family:

I couldn’t really find out much, and couldn’t be bothered to join purely on the fact that it’s politically tied to TUP.
They have hard hitters yes, but is it an MU which your average Joe with no political experience would enjoy? I doubt it.

Pat Rating: 4/10

Funky Militia:

Entry Requirements:
Open to anyone and everyone.

Sent out the same day when possible:
- 10 Q7 weapons per day (no work - claim by posting in the daily weapons request thread in the comment box)
- 13 Q7’s + 1000 energy strike package
What’s it like?
I love how funky this MU is. It has a great group of guys fighting, and a well organised command structure. It is friendly, positive and has a light, happy feeling to it.

Pat Rating: 7.5/10

Liberty UK

Entry Requirements:
Open to anyone and everyone.

10 Q7 Tanks
600 Food

What’s it like?
Obviously I love Liberty, being in the MU for over a year and creating Liberty CA myself in eCanada. I will try be non-biased in this evaluation. Liberty has a great history and community; I think everyone who has ever been part of this unit will agree with me that Liberty has something special. Sadly Liberty went on a rapid decline after Max Blue died, and the unit has slowly got back to its feet and occasionally makes the top 5 in the eUK, while Liberty CA is almost a permanent rank 4th in eCanada. Liberty is in dire need for more experienced players to help support it. In my opinion, if it worked on a better infrastructure and was fixed on progressing the unit would be so successful, but sadly it seems to take 2 steps forward and 2 steps back.

Pat Rating: 7.5/10

There we have it, my MU ratings and reviews. I have been harsh on some units, especially those with political ties. Haters gunna Hate.
TL-DR: The eUK has many MU’s. Some are shit, some are great.

Wayne’s Word
Just a quick note on how Wayne Kerr has been progressing with his investigations on the eUK pool robbery. Suspects confirmed but not released. Wayne seems confident as he is already training for the Dinghy race.

Thanks for reading.
-Pat Harper