eSouth African monthly awards for November 2011

Day 1,472, 06:47 Published in South Africa Australia by Don Vin

Hello eSafars, Greetings from everyone at MoDA,Dispite the Raging war the time has now come for the eSouth African monthly awards to be relaunched for 3 Days. In case those have no idea what this is, let me do a recap; The eSouth Africa Monthly Awards give public recognition to those who go above and beyond in eRepublik. Kicks ass in the battlefield, makes the media go wow, or a political figure who has inspired us all. Hopefully with time we will also give out awards to those who are bad at there job, crappy political figure and we honor those folks for giving us a good laugh.

We begin with the nomination process today.

1. Soldier Award - Soldier of the Month
2. Publisher Award - Publisher of the Month
3. Employer Award - Employer of the Month
4. Congress Member Award -Congress Member of the Month
5. New Citizen Award - Young Citizen of the Month
6. Cabinet Member Award - Cabinet Member of the Month

eSA Citizens Only Start Nominating here!!!...

Part one is just the Nomination process On for 3 days. You can even nominate yourself! Get your Friends to nominate you too!