eRepublik- Is it dying?

Day 2,543, 12:06 Published in USA USA by ResouIa

One of the things I hear the most while playing this game is that it is "dying". Old players with long memories and nostalgic moments make sure I never go one day without hearing this statement.

According to the eRepublik Society stats, We have
almost 100,000 ACTIVE players in the eWorld. Certainly the game was bigger than this once upon a time, however...One hundred fucking THOUSAND. That's a good number!

But is this the real number of active players? Well let's think on that for a moment shall we. Certainly if you are an active player you would most likely have voted in your own nation's presidential elections yes? Well... there are only 23,707 votes recorded for this previous election.

If you agree with this vote-based logic, then in the spreadsheet (Provided by Thanatos the Magnificent) above you are able to see that this game in fact, has about 1/4th of the number of active players you would have been lead to believe. After the fact, you should take into account that EVERY nation has multis existing with the sole purpose of voting. Although this vote-based logic could be arguable, feel free to do so in the comments if you disagree with it. eRepublik dying? You tell me. 7th Anniversary is upcoming. Shall we see an 8th?