Enough. We Cannot Continue to Do This.

Day 845, 18:26 Published in USA USA by PigInZen
Improper Citizenship Approvals Are Insults to Many

You, yes you! Stand still laddie!

*SIGH* Well, tonight has sucked ass. There have been not one but three members of the staff fired, two of them close friends, St. Krems and cesog-fillireb. You see, I have become quite tired of people getting US citizenship outside of the preferred system. Worst of all, this last event granted well-known PEACE and PHOENIX leader GLaDOS citizenship. If it were a deliberate event by a member of Congress that would be one thing. But just as once before, a link was sent around PMs and spammed in IRC that was disguised. It actually linked to the citizenship approval button. Any member of Congress that clicked it would have approved the request.

Who actually did what isn't important. What is important, to me at least, is that this sort of action is both an insult to those working in the Citizenship Task Force (CTF) and Immigration Enforcement Subcommittee (IES). More specifically, people like Max McFarland 2, Astra Kat G, rainy sunday and Dell Fargus put a lot of time and effort into checking citizenship requests and flagging those that are suspect. Circumventing this process renders their (and others') hard work pointless.

Finally, I'm going to be accused of being a tightass, of needing to "lighten up" and "have some fun." To rebut this up front - I don't have a problem with humor. This isn't it. We already face a PTO effort every month and shit like this only compounds the problem. Besides, I'm not happy that we've lost three citizens from my administration who were very helpful and did great work, especially St. Krems. cesog-fillireb says he's going to quit. Aersidius appears to have gone completely insane. I just don't know what to say except the following:

Any member of my administration who assists in circumventing the work or CTF and IES or any Senator that approves citizenship for someone that does not follow the guildelines of CTF or IES, regardless of the situation, will be dismissed from service in my cabinet. Yes, this means that if someone clicks on a hyperlink that leads to a citizenship approval they will be dismissed. Senators that serve in my administration, fair warning, CHECK YOUR LINKS BEFORE CLICKING ON THEM.

E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.

I'LL SAY IT AGAIN: Together we have strength beyond measure. Do your part. Follow DoD orders. Fight with weapons. Maintain your wellness. SUPPORT THE CAUSE.