eIndia in CoT?

Day 1,917, 04:46 Published in India Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

My fellow eIndians, today our Country President Xordin has announced the Referendum that will take place from tomorrow, day 1918 until day 1920. This Referendum will decide if eIndia will remain as a neutral country or if eIndia will attempt to become a member of the CoT alliance. You can find more information about the Referendum here.

By joining CoT we will finally have the opportunity have solid MPPs with the members of CoT, and even with some TWO members. We will have great advantages once we join them, like having some powerful countries like eBulgaria, eIndonesia, eChile, eMacedonia and eUSA in our side.

Lets have something else in consideration: During our war versus eCroatia the countries that helped us the most were eIndonesia, eBulgaria and ePoland, two of those countries are CoT members; therefore, is obvious that they do care about us and will protect us (unlike EDEN did) and we may even have a chance to recover our lands back from eCroatia and become a prosperous country once again.

Many of you know that our nemesis eThailand is now a ACT member (TWO trial member), and since CoT and TWO are friendly alliances they won’t be able to attack us as they would lose many MPPs.

So we should take this chance and vote yes to become CoT members!

Jai Hind!

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By the way guys: