eAus: is there a need for ANY law?

Day 1,206, 13:25 Published in Australia Australia by Ranger Bob

Well, I have been following the happenings of Senate/Congress the last month, and the (lacking) communications from our executive government.

I watch with interest that there has been no final movement on revising a constitution (but albiet some discussions facilitated by David C, and some updates on what he has been doing) - also that the current rules implemented by Senate, such as budget reports, have not been followed.

I pose the question now - DOES EAUS REQUIRE ANY RULES OR LAW?

Clearly, the one's they have are not universally followed. It seems at whim whether a rule is employed or not - so, what is the point of having any at all?

At this point, why not just remove ALL the Acts, the Constitution and any other relevant protocols and just let it go? If they are not going to be followed anyway, and people do what they will then just use the mechanics, no one bother questioning the CP or any budgetary actions they take and let it go?

Politics in eAus is increasingly becoming pointless. As evidenced by the less than 300 people that voted last election, when at the beginning of the year 600 votes was more the norm.

This is not a flame article, nor an article promoting anarchy. But I fail to see the point of any rules if they no longer apply. So just do what you want and represent the people in game.

The few who remain.