Day 2,282, 03:41 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by LeoVinciDa

Dear readers,

I proudly announce that after a thrilling election day the DRP elected me as a party president. This for sure urges me to write my first article ever on eRep.
I was invited to run for PP and I'd firstly like to thank for the trust people in my party had in me to send me this invitation.

My goals for this term are:

- to continue with the weekly challenge competition which Lancer started when he created this party. I'd like to create a new article this week for last week's challenge in maximum 2 days, bear with me please 🙂

- to keep being as transparant as possible, as in my opinion DRP stands for

- to let us be in congress again the 25th

- to build our community on the forum, it's now being linked via our party's page

- to maintain the highly democratic value of our party, every vote counts

- to get members being more involved in our "party-community", no offence if someone doesn't have enough time to join the party feeds or forum of course!

I hope next article I'll be able to let it look more fancy,
Have a nice day!
