Do not Join Pirate Party LEVEL 7-8 Multi's in Pirate Party!!!

Day 854, 20:16 Published in Australia Australia by Arthinian

HI all,

PTO Threat is REAL and CLOSE


Just Take a look at the amount of Level 7-8 Multi's in the pirate party who where born on or around the same day.....there are pages of them!!!! Not to mention multiple other levels.

Please do not lot the pirate party get in to the TOP 5 Political Parties.

DO NOT vote for anyone in Congress that you have not seen around eRep for a long time!!!!

If you fail to take it this PTO seriously, you can kiss eAustralia Goodbye.

Just look at the last 3 pages of members in Pirate Party and you will see a clear pattern of multi's and 'channers' who have recently joined and appeared in the party.

Good luck out there....the battle has just begun.
