Deception in Flanders

Day 703, 04:08 Published in Netherlands Hungary by Quicksilver

As you all see an RW was started in Flanders region, by a citizen, named Highst. If you check his nationality, you might be surprised that he is a Hungarian. It was intentional from them. Eden not only trying to make a puppet-state in Belgium to use it for strategic purposes, but they also use this opportunity to sow discord in our ranks.

For Highst of course is not Hungarian, but Romanian, through and through.

About 2 weeks ago, one of our congressmen's account (tibix9😎 was hacked - at the time when a number of others were hacked too. But he was not resigned from congress, like the others - instead the hackers started granting Hungarian citizenship to Romanians, and only to Romanians in his name. It took over a week to get his account back from them, and we did ask admins to delete those citizenships that he gave - they did nothing with it, so around 7-8 Romanians gained Hungarian citizenships - including Highst. Unfortunately the game offers no ways to take away nationality from anyone...

Therefore, I ask you not to believe his and Eden's lies - Hungary and Hungarians have absolutely no reason to RW Belgium. Eden does, and they want to sow discord in our ranks too.

Don't let them!

Show them that we are united, and strong!

Fight GREEN in Flanders, and we, real Hungarians will be there to help!

They also made a false government paper, with a deceptively similar name and logo that the real one, to spread lies - so check the name of the org/citizen that has the paper before even reading the article, because it is forbidden to impersonate citizens/orgs, but unfortunately it is allowed by the rules to copy newspaper titles and logos. The real orders are given in the Ministerie van Defensie org's newspaper, not in Highst's own paper that he renamed now.

