Death of Liberty CA + Opening of the Shadow Fox Mercenaries.

Day 2,021, 11:11 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Hello citizens of eCanada,
I am hereby announcing the death of Liberty CA.

I decided to close it down after my break at TCO, and instead transform the MU into a new, ‘mercenary’ unit. We will fight for the Glory of Canada as well as look for joint strikes FREE fighting for allies but paid for by neutral nations. I am currently working on an infrastructure to make it work, so be patient 😛, for now we fight as every other MU.
Yes we are the Shadow Fox Military Unit.

I don’t want to give the whole ‘we are great and awesome’ BS, I will tell you exactly WHY I created it, and what I’m attempting to set up.

1. Supplies:
After being in TCO, I realised how shit my previous supply strategy was. It spammed the feed, and caused too much work. I am therefore changing it to a roll call which will be in the feed every Saturday. The supply will be 50 Q6 weapons. I know it doens’t seem much but I want to start low to keep comfortable. Rank up bonuses will still be given in Q7 tanks, and I will give bonuses when a nice stock builds up. The main problem I had in Liberty CA was the supply so hopefully this will fix that issue. Food will be available to those that need it, but as I have no food factories the availability will be limited.

2. How the hell is this mercenary BS meant to work?
Well, that’s a working process. Honestly, I have no idea; it was just something that sprung to mind. I will work with that after I have the MU running smoothly.

3. Are there any requirements?
Yes. We are not fussy but there are several.
- Must use the Shadow Fox avatar border
- Must fight regularly, unless you have a good excuse. (it better be good)
- Don’t be a prick

4. Why did you create it??
Well I was meaning to return after a break in TCO, I had intended to wait till I got factories but it isn't going to happen any time soon so we will work with what we have got which should be sustainable enough. I also noticed that if I stayed away for too long people would leave and the MU would die.

5. So where do I sign up?
Right here my frien😛 sexybluecaptionohmygoodlookhowblueitis
That’s basically it. Thanks for reading, feel free to join, there is no strength or level limit. Competitions and supply bonuses will come in time.

Pat Harper