Daily Joke #15

Day 1,306, 11:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Henry Hank Moody

Hello fellow eWorlders i hope i find you all well 🙂

I thought i would share with you one of my all time favourite jokes today. I hope you all enjoy it as much as i do.

A 747 had crashed in the middle of the Atlantic and only 3 men survived.

They found themselves stranded in a remote island and after walking for a few miles they discovered that it was inhabited by cannibals.

The cannibals gathered together and decided to give the men a challenge. If they completed their challenge...then they would live. If not...then they would die.

The 3 men were told to head into woods and bring back as much fruit as their hands could carry. The 3 men did as they were told and in no time the 1st man came back with 10 apples in his arms. He was then told by the head of the clan to drop his pants and bend over. The head of the clan would then shove every single apple in his *** and if the man could make it through without making a single sound then he would live. If not then he would have his head chopped off.

The man pulled down his pants and bent over. 1 apple...2 apples...3 apples...but on the 4th apple he squeaked with pain and then WHACK!!! He got his head cut off.

The 2nd man came back will his arms full of grapes, at least 80 of them. He was told to do the same as the man before him and just as the clan's leader was about to put the last grape in his ***...the man laughed. And WHACK!!! His head was cut off.

Up in heaven the 2nd man came across the 1st man gaping at him disbelieingly. "Dude! What the ****?! You had only one grape left! Why the **** did you laugh?"

The 2nd man shook his head and grinned. "I couldn't help it, man. I really couldn't." He laughed. "When I looked up I saw that the last guy was running back with pineapples in his hands."