Daily Agony - Wife Stealing

Day 1,455, 06:15 Published in South Africa Australia by Don Vin

Rico Suave was having a pedicure while having a haircut at a beauty parlour where he asks the woman "May I have dinner and a night out with you tonight?"

Woman- "Sorry,am Married"

Rico Suave-"so?? tell your husband you are having a night out with your girlfriend's"

Woman-"You can tell him yourself,he's shaving your hair and beard"

lol to be continued . . . . . . . . . .

Public toilet Graffiti collection

Everybody pisses on the floor. Be a hero and shit on the ceiling.

Here I sit broken hearted,
paid a dime and only farted,
next time I'll take a chance,
save my dime and shit my pants


While your sitting on the toilet you see written on the stall door:
Congratulations! You've one one free game of Toilet Tennis!
Look Left.
You look left and it reads:
Look Right
You look right and it reads:
Look Left..


Some people come here to take a shit, I come here to leave one.