Daily Agony - The Cliff

Day 1,462, 00:30 Published in South Africa Australia by Don Vin

Three men are traveling across the desert when they come to the edge of a large cliff, too steep to climb down, and too far out of the way to go retrace their steps.

Just then a medicine man appeared out of nowhere and tells them that they are like many, who must believe in themselves and transform themselves into creatures to get over the cliff and continue their journey.

The first man who was from South Africa thinks about it, runs to the edge of the cliff, and screams "Eagle!" The man immediately turns into an Eagle and soars down to the bottom of the cliff.

The second man from USA runs to the edge and screams, "Hawk!" He immediately turns into a hawk and soars down to the bottom of the cliff.

Then third man an Indonesian despite being timid of heights runs to the edge, trips, and screams "O shit!" and turns into a pile of shit and splatters at the bottom of the cliff