Daily Agony - Pranks

Day 1,429, 06:48 Published in South Africa Australia by Don Vin


Woman: hello, good morning.

Radio Station: Good morning, what can we do for u today?

Woman: Please I will like two tickets to the A.Y live show holding this weekend.

Radio Station: well, you can have the ticket only if u can play a prank on someone on air and make them believe it.

Woman: No problem, what do u want me to do?

Radio Station: Are u married? Do u have kids?

Woman: Yes, I’ve been married for 10 years and I have a 9 year old son and a 5 year old daughter.

Radio Station: OK, good. This is what u will do, u will call your husband and tell him he is not the father of your son.

Woman: (laughs) wow, that’s a big one.

Radio Station: Well, depends on how bad u want the tickets, and anyway we will be live on air listening to you and will step in to tell him it’s all a prank. So u are ready?

Woman: Ok, I’m ready, let’s do this cos I really want to go for the show.

Radio Station: Alright, give us his number let’s call him and do a 3 way, where is he right now?

Woman: He is in the office, this is his number………………………………!!!!

(Radio Station calls the husband and do a 3 way phone call without the husband knowing he is on the air……………………!!!)

Woman: hello darling.

Husban😛 hi love, missing me already?

Woman: Yes dear, how is work dear?

Husban😛 Good, missing u too baby, can’t wait to get back home and make sweet love to u all over again like we did this morning.

Woman: Me too love. But ….em…..em……there is something I want to tell u.

Husban😛 Ok, I’m all ears dear, but let’s make it quick cos I have a meeting in 5 minutes.

Woman: U know I love u?

Husban😛 Yes I do.

Woman: And we have promised to always be sincere to each other.

Husban😛 Yes we did.

Woman: And we are Christians that believe in Christ and would do as Christ will do.

Husban😛 U are starting to scare me dear, please, what’s this about?

Woman: Something happened in my office 9 years ago.

Husban😛 Please tell me, what’s happened?

Woman: The annual xmas party we have every December in the office, 9 years ago I got so drunk and had sex with a co-worker. I swear I was so drunk I did not know what I was doing and em….em…..em……… u are not the father of our son.

Husban😛 WHAAAATTTT ?????

Woman: I just felt I should let u know. But I don’t even talk to the guy anymore; it was just a one off thing.

Husban😛 and u are just telling me now? Are u insane? Do u know what this will do to me?

Woman: I’m sorry love; I just wanted to get it off my chest.

Husban😛 I can’t believe u would do this to me; this is crazy, I’m so mad with u right now.

Woman: I’m so sorry my love, please don’t be mad with me, I just felt I should confess and then u can forgive me like the true Christians we are.

Husban😛 U are crazy. U want forgiveness? Ok, u too forgive this, I have been sleeping with your sister for the past 5 years.

Radio Station: HOLY SHIT !!!!!

Woman: What did u say?

Husban😛 U heard me; after all, u are in the mood to confess and be forgiven, so I’ve also given u my own confession so we can be on the same page. Is there someone on the phone with u?

Radio Station: sir, this is a live show, u are on the air right now, we asked your wife to play a prank on u to that u guys can get two tickets to go watch the AY live show this weekend.

Husban😛 Oh shit !!!

Woman: Are u serious??? Tell me, are u serious?

Radio Station: wow, this is not what we expected sir.

Husban😛 I can’t talk right now……………… (Phone cuts).

So, if u were the woman, what will u do?

And as the guy, damage control? Denial? Ask for forgiveness? What would u do?