Daily Agony - DonVin How i come to eSA

Day 1,459, 05:45 Published in South Africa Australia by Don Vin

Let me tell you of how i found myself in eSA, The President and his cabinet especially MoDA were looking for a way to increase attendance and participation of citizens at their regular meetings.

One member suggested bringing in a hypnotist. The officials agreed, a famous hypnotist was hired, publicity
distributed, and everyone was pleased.

A few weeks later the meeting hall was packed with name them all, Current President, The Government, Congress, Military Personal, Ambassadors, International Advisers and the whole entire eSA citizenry sat fascinated as i DonVin the great hypnotist withdrew a pocket watch. I began chanting... "Watch the watch, watch the watch, watch the watch..."

The citizens crowd became mesmerized as the watch swayed back and forth, light gleaming off its polished surface.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes followed the swaying watch, until suddenly the hypnotist's fingers slipped and the watch fell to the floor...

"Shit" said the hypnotist.

It took three weeks to clean up the town hall.

Because of this mishap i feel obliged to this nation and will serve it for the rest of my life

*By the way you all are hypnotized as CP he thinks his an ape, Oprah thinks shez a he, Ricky hugs guns, El Fidel thinks his a rooster etc* 😉