CptRixuu VIE presidendiks! (for VIE president!)

Day 565, 03:48 Published in Estonia Estonia by CptRixuu
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Tervitus jällegi kõigile eEesti vanadele ja uutele kodanikele!

eEesti on arenenud jõudsasti, kolmest Balti riigikst kõige kiiremini. Meil on juba teine president ja teine kongress. Seekordne kongress tundub töötavat hästi ja olen auga ka ise selle liige. Pragused tehtud otsused näivad meie riiki ainult parandavat ja edendavat - seda me ju tahamegi!
Uue presidendina on s33vald teinud juba esimesed sammud on lubadustest. MPP eLätiga on hääletusel ja ma olen kindel, et see saab ka tõeks - heade suhete hoidmine oma naabritega on parim ja ka vähim, mida me sel raskel ajal teha saame.

Minu kandidatuur

Kandideerin partei "Vabadus - Iseseisev Eesti" presidendiks, et tagada ka järgmised edukad kongressivalimised - et inimesed jaguneksid võimalikult võrdselt regioonide vahel ning koha saaksid ainult otsustusvõimekad. Nõuan kõigilt kandidaatidelt presentatsiooni esitamist! See on vajalik, et rahvas teaks, keda nad valiksid. Ka päriselus ei saada ju hääli ilma valimisreklaamideta ja ilma kampaaniata.

Teine põhjus, miks ma oma kandidatuuri esitasin on see, et nägin meie eelmise presidendi SgtMaj astumist partei presidendi kandidatuurinimekirja. Minu üks eesmärk ongi takistada millegi väga segase juhtumist - diktatoorlik kaklus. Usun, et kui SgtMaj võidab partei liidri koha, on ka meie järgmine riigipresidendi kandidaat tema ise. Arvan, et tal hakkas võim pähe ja koht meeldima - vaja on see kõik tagasi saada. Mina arvan, et ta ei sobi juhtima ei riiki ega ka parteid. Nägite, mis juhtus tema valitsusajal? Teadmatus, riigi raha laristamine ilma, et valitsuse ja kongressiga räägitud oleks. Ta tegi seda iseseisvalt. Loodan, et meie praegune president on targem (mida on näha juba esimesest päevast) ja garanteerin selle, et VIE riigi presidendi kandidaadiks saab õige inimene!


Hello fellow new and old citizens of eEstonia!

eEstonia has done some great steps towards success and respect. We have evolved faster than any of the new Baltic countries. We have our second president and second congress. New congress seems to be working finely and I myself am the proud member of it. Decisions that the new congress have made seem to be fixing and promoting our country. s33vald as the new president of eEstonia has already made first steps so keep his promises. Proposal of MPP with Latvia is on vote now and I think that it's going to be a YES - the least and the best we can do is to keep friendly contacts with our neighbours.

My candidacy

I am a candidate of "Vabadus - Iseseisev Eesti" party president, to assure that the next congress elections are successful aswell - people must divide equally to all our regions! Congress is only for smart people, if you catch me. I demand a presentation from all of the congress candidates - this is necessarry to our voters. They need to know who we are! Presentations and election campaigns are important in real life aswell, as you can see.

There is a second reason of my candidacy aswell. SgtMaj has announced his candidacy to VIE party presidency. One of my objective is to prevent a dictatorish political fight. What do you think will happen if SgtMaj gets VIE PP spot? He wil be our next country president candidate. He started to like the power during his last term and he wants the power back. I am not blaming anyone, this is just my opinion. What I think, is that he is not suitable for leading a country or even a party. Did you see what happened during his term as a our president? Lack of information, spending our money without congress or government approval. He did what he wanted and noone could stop him. I hope that our new president is smarter and better for our country (I can see that already, and it's the first day of his term!). I guarantee, that our next president candidate will be a person who will be smart and good for us.