CoT-eUSA issue [ 3rd update ]

Day 1,924, 05:46 Published in India Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

I hope this pics can help you understand the situation involving eUSA and CoT. Feel free to cry if this insults you, but cry for yourself, I don't want a flood in the comments 😉

eUSA, CoT's cancer

They look so cute together :3

eUSA helping their allies 🙂

John Largo, the best RL american tank

eUSA got rejected by 2 of their 3 friends

And last, this interesting article here we can see eUSA tanking like mad for eAlbania.

I don't know what the CoT HQ are going to do, but eUSA seems like is doing all they can to fail the trail months.


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