Congratulations to Josh Frost and Max McFarland 2

Day 809, 08:02 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

A Campaign Season to Remember

A Thank You to My Supporters

First of all, I'd like to thank the people that assisted me with my run for president - so many that if I were to try to name them I would inevitably leave someone out. I'd like to avoid doing that so just know that each and everyone one of you that sent me messages of encouragement or helped out with the campaign left a huge impression upon me. I never expected any support nor any votes and to have an outpouring of personal support was greatly appreciated. You have my thanks.

Congratulations to Josh Frost and Max McFarland 2

Secondly, congratulations to Josh Frost and Max McFarland 2. They ran a positive campaign and focused on things that mattered most - Issues. It was a pleasure to run against you two and I knew at the very beginning that this race would be a difficult one for me. I see that I was not disappointed. I know that I will not be disappointed as well by your term in office. The eUS was truly fortunate to have a host of dedicated, positive citizens campaigning for the President this election.

E Pluribus Unum

Many readers will know that I finish my articles with a statement like this:

"E Pluribus Unun

I'LL SAY IT AGAIN: Together we have strength beyond measure. Do your part. Follow DoD orders. Fight with weapons. Maintain your wellness. SUPPORT THE CAUSE."

What does E Pluribus Unum mean? Well in real life it is the motto of the United States of America. I means "from many, one." I can think of nothing more applicable to the goals and objectives of eRepublik. When we act together, with a common goal and objective we can overcome our challeneges. How can you help out?

It's easy. Treat others with respect and kindness. Be supportive, not condescending. We are all on the same team as Americans and we should be focused on making each other stronger. Being rude or insulting only encourages people to quit the game. We need less of that.

Congrats to Josh and Max. Support them. Let's kick some ass.