Citizen Files: The Sad Truth

Day 918, 14:55 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

Recently our former leader Afanasiy Drago has been busy documenting the names of every citizen in North Korea. Upon doing this, many disturbing trends have been uncovered. Trends that explain our stolen elections, and trends that may lead to justice here in North Korea.
Try to look at birth date trends. There are many citizens born on the same day that are either just a few hours or even minutes apart. These obvious bots need to be taken care of. I urge all of you seeking justice to report the following citizens following the trends at hand. We need to do something about this, and with the Administration's new "Anti-Cheating Policy", I feel as if it is now or never to start really fighting. Senator Strasser has already made his petition for the admins to solve the pillaging issue, but certainly we need more to be set. I'm sure Drago will be somewhat successful, but we all need to pitch in to make a difference...">
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