cCcNUEVEOCHOcCc For Country President [updated]

Day 1,923, 03:28 Published in India Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

My dear eIndians, with this text I want to present you my candidature for the Presidency of this great eCountry. Some of you may think I only want to PTO because I’m not a real life Indian, I just want to make clear that I DO NOT want to PTO, and I would not be the first non-Indian President.

Jai Hind

I would like to write about my eHistory:

I was eBorn in eSpain in 2/7/2012, referrer to AvilesII, once I started playing I joined División Azul (MU) and eFalange (Party), I stayed with them until September, then I left to the eUSA, where I wandered through many parties and MU, until I left one month after due to Israel Stevens horrible government and the iNCi PTO.

I got back in eSpain where in a eFriend post I met Hamturk, and he invited me to join eIndia, after a few days I accepted the invitation, so I got into eIndia, where I met many great people and I joined YUUVA India and BRATS. Everything was fine in eIndia, until the EDEN HQ proposed United Aggresion (a proEDEN MU) to go to eIndia. The eIndian Referendum said “yes”, and because of that I decided to left eIndia, warning them to keep an eye on UAgg, as they would attempt to PTO.

I got back to eSpain for my 3rd time, where I stayed a few days and I got back to my old MU, División Azul. Then I left to eUSA where I joined AFA and Stayed there for a month. But due to being still loyal to my eFalange friends, I left to eSpain for 3 days to help them fight versus a PTO attempt in their party. The PTO was defeated by 90 votes, a complete success, then I was ready to head back into eUSA, but instead I decided to get back into eIndia to help Ashwamedh and his Party ( Jai Hind ).

I stayed in eIndia for over a month, until I decided to try a new experience: Be part of a government MU, since eIndia didn’t had any I joined eUK, where I became part of The Legion. Even though it was a great experience I felt I wanted to try something new, so I got Serbian CS and I joined гарда (Garda), eSerbia’s best MU and TWO’s Top 3 MU (After Polish Civil Army and Grom). Few days after I got back into eIndia, and since Ashwamedh was having very few free time I joined Jai Hind Army to help the newbies. And until today I’m still here, in the great land of eIndia.


Improve our relationship with other CoT members.

Try to get MPPs with countries like ePoland, eSpain, eVenezuela, eSlovenia and eUSA.

Change the referendum requisites to: level >22, Streng >150 and eIndian CS.

War vs eCroatia:
-My goal is to left eCroatia with just one or two bonuses.
-Recover all our core bonuses.
-Coordinate the attacks with our CoTWO friends to have advantage.

Baby Boom and retention:
-I will keep working in this issue.
-A few (3 or 4) squads of 5-7 players will be created, their goal will be flood youtube comments sections, flood articles comments sections and post in gamers forums in order to be able to find more people to play this game. Each squad will work in a page, video... coordinated to be able to make more comments with game spam.
-Then one more squad will be created to help the new players that arrive, so they will keep playing.

National Militia Unit
- Many eCountries have a national MU (like FFAA in eSpain or The Legion in eUK), I think is time for eIndia to have it's own NMU.
- This NMU will recieve orders directly from the MoD, and it's members will have to obey this orders.
- The NMU will be a private MU, and once a month a recruitment will be done to gather new members.
- The members will recieve 10 daily Q7 tanks as a reward for their service to eIndia.
- Only D3 and D4 figthers will be allowed to join, but there will be a Junior Regiment for future members.

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