Candidat la Presedentia Partidului [RO/EN]

Day 542, 02:57 Published in Romania Romania by Shoby

Salutare prieteni!

Prin acest articol imi voi lansa candidatura la postul de Presedinte al partidului eUniunea Gamerilor Democrati (eUGD).

Daca nu ma cunoasteti, va invit sa cititi un articol despre activitatea mea in eRepublik, cu tot ce am facut pana acum 6 luni cand am plecat din Romania in interes de serviciu.
Pentru a intelege cu adevarat cine sunt si cat de mult ma implic, va rog sa cititi articolul lui Maniu:
(Iti multumesc pe aceasta cale, Maniu!)

Pentru a conduce un partid precum este eUGD-ul, este foarte greu sa ma ocup de unul singur. Tocmai din aceasta cauza mi-am format o echipa pentru a conduce impreuna acest partid. Tot ce voi face in luna urmatoare, voi face cu sprijinul lor. Inainte de a trece la ce se va face in posibilul meu mandat, va voi prezenta echipa:

Filiala eUGD Vest - ovidiu303 - Actualul Presedinte eUGD, fondator Crucea Rosie, Fondatorul Fundatiei PRO Romania si un om foarte implicat in tot ceea ce se face in erepublik, cu o dorinta enorma de a ajuta.

Filiala eUGD Ucraina de vest - satelite - Un prieten foarte bun din lumea virtuala (eRepublik si Hattrick), m-a ajutat mereu cand am avut nevoie si sunt 100% convins ca ma va ajuta si in acest mandat. Exceptional primar in varianta Beta.

Filiala eUGD Rusia - Hitman - Un alt foarte bun prieten din eRepublik, ne-am ajutat reciproc atunci cand eu sau el am avut nevoie. Mai mult eu pe el, insa acum am nevoie de ajutorul lui, asa ca va fi nevoit sa mi-l intoarca 🙂

Filiala eUGD Muntenia-Dobrogea - Malika ela - Mai are rost de prezentare? O foarte buna prietena a mea din eRepublik cu o dorinta nebuna de a ajuta ecetatenii si mai ales partidul eUGD.

Filiala eUGD Trans-Oltenia - number_er - A ajutat mereu alti ecetateni cu case si food. M-a impresionat de-a dreptul articolul de Craciun...

Filiala eUGD Moldova&Bucovina - eMill - Si el cu o revenire de peste 4 luni si aceeasi dorinta nebuna ca a mea de a ajuta partidul si ecetatenii. Ii multumesc pe aceasta cale pentru traducere.

Echipa nu va fi batuta in cuie pe toata durata mandatului. Daca cineva din echipa imi intoarce spatele si timp de o saptamana nu face nimic, el/ea va fi inlocuit(a). Insa am mare incredere in aceasta echipa si mai mult ca sigur vom fi impreuna timp de cel putin o luna de zile.

De cand m-am reintors in Romania, si in eRepublik, multi ecetateni s-au plans de slaba organizare a partidului, de faptul ca nimeni nu ii tine la curent cu ceea ce se face, si cel mai important lucru, ca nimeni nu se mai implica!
Acesta a fost cel mai important lucru care m-a facut sa candidez. Imi place buna organizare si asta am demonstrat-o, imi place sa ajut ecetatenii, si asta am demonstrat-o, imi place sa sustin partidul, si asta am demonstrat-o mereu. Imi place sa castig majoritatea in congress, si asta am demonstrat-o, imi place sa aleg oamenii care se implica in erepublik si sa-i pun in posturi cheie, si asta am demonstrat-o. Imi place ceea ce fac si nu dau inapoi niciodata!
Daca tot ce imi place sa fac, am si facut in acest joc (si am exemple pentru tot ce am zis), oare aveti impresia ca n-am sa fac si in continuare?

Daca ati citit articolul lui Maniu si toate articolele puse in acel articol, o sa observati ca nu-mi place sa fac 5 articole pline de promisiuni, sa stati 2 zile sa cititi numai prostii, lucruri imposibile in acest joc. Eu tot ce mi-am propus am realizat, iar pe langa realizari am facut si altele.
Primarul Constantei cateva luni, Presedintele eUGD 2 mandate, Presedintele eRomaniei 1 mandat, daca nu aveam realizari era imposibil sa castig atatea alegeri.


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Sa aveti o saptamana splendida!

Good day friends!

Trough this article I will get on with my presidential campaign, for the presidential elections, trough eUniunea Gamerilor Democrati party (eUGD)

If, you don't know me, I invite you to read a article about my activity in eRepublik, with what I have done until 6 months before I left Romania, for business.
To fully understand who I am, and how far i get involved, please read the Maniu's article:
(I thank you this way, Maniu!)

To run a party like eUGD, it is really hard to take care of it myself, so I made a team to run the party togheter. All that I will take care next month, I will do with their help. Before we can get to what it is posible to achieve, I will present my team:

Filiala eUGD Vest - ovidiu303 - the actual eUGD party president, founder of Red Cross, founder of Pro Romania foundation, involved in all that happens in eRepublik, with a great desire to help.

Filiala eUGD Ucraina de vest - satelite - a close friend from the virtual world (eRepublik and Hattrick), he helped me when I was in need and I'm 100 % sure that he will help me in this mandate. Great mayor in Beta version.

Filiala eUGD Rusia - Hitman - another close friend from eRepublik, we helped each other when me or he needed help. I helped him more than he helped me, but, now I need his help, so he will have to help me 🙂

Filiala eUGD Muntenia-Dobrogea - malika ela - does she have the need of a presentation? a very close friend of mine from eRepublik, with the mad desire to help the e-citizens and especially the eUGD party.

Filiala eUGD Trans-Oltenia - number_er - He always helped other citizens with houses and food. He really impressed me with the article from Christmas...

Filiala eUGD Moldova&Bucovina - eMill - and him, with return of over 4 months with the same mad desire like mine to help the party and the citizens. I thank him this way for translating.

The team isn't going to be set in stone on the whole mandate. If someone from the team turns his back and for a whole week does not do nothing, him/her will be changed. Altough I am fully confident in this team, and more than for sure we will be togheter for at least 1 month

Since I returned in Romania, and eRepublik, many eCitizens complained about the lack of organisation of the party, that no one keep them informed about the things that happen and the most important thing is that no one gets involved no more!
This was the most important thing that made me candidate. I like good organization and I proved it, I like to help the citizens and I proved it, I like to support my party, and I always proved it. I like to win the majority in congress and i proved it, I like to chose my people who are always getting involved in eRepublik, to get them in key-places and this one I proved too. I like what I am doing, and never giving back my word!
If I like what I done, and I done in this game (have examples for all I have said), do you have the tought that I am not going to do it again?

If you read Maniu's article and all the articles that are in this article, you are going to see that I don't like to do a dozen of articles full of promises, to read only useless things, imposible things in this game. What I proposed, I achieved, and besides my achievements, I have done more.
Mayor of eConstanta several months, eUGD Party President 2 mandates, and Country President for 1 mandate from eUGD, if I hadn't had achievements, it would have been imposible to win so many elections.


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