Canadian Reformation Party

Day 2,041, 15:18 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Greetings Citizens of eCanada,

Over the past 1-2 months there has been talks between the Union of Social Reform Party and Forward Canada. These talks involved a merge to bring two small communities into a larger, more active community.
The merge is currently going underway and both parties are uniting under the name 'Canadian Reformation Party'.

logo can be changed, It was a quick creation.

We havn't sorted out a party platform as of yet, that will come in the next week, however it will follow along the lines of uniting Canadians, and reforming the political mess. We encourage active members and discussion.

We will be working hard to encourage discussion and we aim to hit the top 5. We have no strong opinions favouring or against any party. We aim purely to help eCanada grow stronger and encourage an active political scene.

Party President: Pat Harper
Vice President: Armour144
Secretary General: Umbra Bellator
Councillor: Zianni Vaatez
Spokesman: xLil Ninjax

The article doesnt have much beef yet, it's just an update on what's going on.

Thanks for reading.
-Pat Harper