Canadian Communist Party Charter

Day 2,235, 21:32 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

The CCP Charter

- Canadian Communist Party was founded by Tyrael Snow under the name of ‘AFK Party’ It was then renamed ‘Clan Wolf’ - After a year the party was renamed ‘Canadian Communist Party’ by Pat Harper.

- CCP is inclusive. We are the new home for all players, new and old. We promote political engagement, but also welcome those that want to be in a party, but prefer not to be involved politically. New Players are always welcome. We believe all players regardless of activity level, have a right to be fairly and equally represented in game and we take pride in being that voice.

- CCP is a Far-Left, Libertarian Party

- CCP believes in more of an ingame approach to this game, rather than communicating via IRC or forums. We encourage the use of in game mechanics for communication and governance.

- CCP believes in reasonable taxes and the promotion of higher salaries. We prefer lower taxation with funds remaining with players and/or re-directed back to MUs so all players have generous opportunity to grow and reach higher levels.

- All opinions are respected and upheld by CCP members, but debate is encouraged.

- CCP is for anyone and everyone who would like a moderate approach to politics, economy and entertainment.

- CCP supports, encourages and attempts to lead by example a civil political environment that respects other player’s point of view and work with other parties.

- CCP supports the idea of MUs being self-sufficient, but also believes in government support, if a MU meets the requirements and has yet to achieve self-sufficiency.

- CCP believes in a fair society where everyone is equal and free from prejudice and hatred.

- CCP Fights for Peace, Equality, Democracy and Socialism.

- CCP is vehemently against corruption and will call out cheaters whenever they are discovered.

Our Foreign policy :

- CCP will always stand on guard for eCanada.

-CCP supports eCanada’s traditional allies.

-CCP believes in diplomacy, but will not be pushed around.

- Aggression against eCanada or its allies will not be tolerated.

-CCP supports the idea of the development of new alliances as long as those alliances are in the best interest of every eCanadian.

A message from the Party President

This is built from the Clan Wolf charter, I liked it so I changed a few words and added some small bits and bobs.
Sorry that I haven't been active as a PP, my internet has decided to block me from eRepublik so I have to use a proxy or a mobile phone which is very annoying.
I hope the next president can continue to grow the party as it is, I will continue to try and do my best but it's painfully slow.

Pat Harper