Callumh1234CP – Final Thoughts

Day 2,053, 17:47 Published in Australia Australia by Callumh123

I can’t believe it is already the 4th, seeing as we began campaigning more than two weeks ago it has just flown by. I’m not going to hide the fact that during that time I have been let down, beaten down and disappointed. But I have persevered and stayed until the end with the support of my faithful Knighthawks Military Council.

I would like to firstly thank Arthur and Flatty for being such good campaigner, especially Flatty. You run one hell of a campaign. I feel with my final article before the election I can freely express something’s that I should of expressed throughout the campaign.

Lack of Policy Debate and Childish Acts

It is completely erroneous that we have had absolutely no policy debate throughout the two weeks of campaigning. From all candidates including myself and some members of the public have made it more about platitudes and the person that some actual substantive policy debate which is why I wish all candidates participated in another debate. Binda, you are a child that is incapable of putting personal feelings aside to help the eAustralian people decide on the best policies from the best candidate.

Even tonight I had a major spat with my former to be Minister of Foreign Affairs Tim Holtz, but if he came to me and said I am holding the debate and I want candidates to be there, I would be there in a heartbeat. It is childish actions like this that makes me anxious if you are elected Prime Minister. That along with your tantrum on your legitimacy as IG. I am someone who will freely speak their mind, and I don’t say things because it is political point scoring, I say it because it needed to be said by one of the candidates as everyone is too scared to criticise as they fear they may lose some support.

Not only in this election, but in a majority of elections before this one. Flatty, I will be incredibly happy to serve as your Deputy if you do indeed win, but your happy go lucky attitude in this election has been a little unsettling. I know you, and I know you are not the calm and collected person you are portraying for the election. It is a good thing I agree to show a bit of civility and humility but sometimes speaking your mind will help lead that policy debate along.

Back on Binda, I honestly find it a bit concerning that Binda could get 1, let alone 3 parties supporting her when Arthur Cole who had policies and some actual substance could not get a single party support. She did little campaigning that it was hard to tell what she stood for other than she would not reform the ADF and promise something to do with Education or something.
What will happen if I win
Right off the bat, this will happen:

-Dr Hugh Jardon and Molly Jo and I will be elected representatives of TWO HQ.
-Plans will be finalised with TWO HQ and China for support in our liberation effort
-Education will begin crafting a new guide and begin circulating articles
-I will meet with venja to discuss the budget and what is up ahead of for the DoF
-I will let Arthur Cole loose with ADF Reforms, starting with the DoD finding the most fiscal and effective way to reform the ADF through Division 1 and 2 and a way to allocate funds to MU’s.
-I will begin consulting Commanders of all the major MU’s in eAustralia as well as some that have expressed support from overseas and begin planning the initial liberation and the timeframe of which this all happens.
-I will talk to the Leader of TWO on giving the rubberstamp to sign a pact with eChina and to approve the MPP’s that I have listed.
-I will start in game messages for all ministries to ensure everything is functional and in order
-Start the first Government Podcast for Sunday
-Hold the first cabinet meeting on Saturday
-Start a competition/giveaway
-Get all necessary orgs and passwords

If Flatty is elected

If Flatty does indeed win, I will commence my post as Deputy Prime Minister and aide Flatty in any way I can to ensure the first few days of governance is a smooth transition. I will also be working on trying to revitalise the Knighthawks MU and will pass on the Party Presidency to a viable candidate. I will also serve my term in Senate

If Binda33 is elected

I will flee the country to avoid persecution. Seriously though, I will remain in my position as a Senator of the eAustralian Senate and also work on a mass revitalisation campaign of the Knighthawks MU. I will relinquish my Party Presidency after my term is served and will try to forge a new career in this game as a journalist.


That’s all for now folks, if you have any questions for me on my campaign please feel free to ask.

The rest of my written campaign is here for your pleasure:
For the final time until we reach the other side, this is Callumh123 signing off.

Maximum baller.
