C0010: Sol Globalization

Day 743, 15:42 Published in China Philippines by Sol HQ

It is with great, great pleasure today that I stand before you as an official of an alliance that is no longer strictly regional, but open to all allies across the world that wish to participate with us. We have been carefully building up our structure, and there is still some work to be done as we build the Sol Cabinet and official organs, as well as military coordination, but there is an immense difference from the first charter and the one now, 10 amendments and improvements later.

Very aptly, at this tenth charter amendment, we have transcended mere local affiliation to extend our arms around the world. Sol is no longer strictly a regional alliance--we are an alliance that accepts all of those that wish to live by our ideals of protecting what is ours and standing up for the weak.

I have long dreamed of this day--slowly working towards it with each change to the charter, each new department and layer of organization added. We, as citizens and officials, have been able to craft a wonderful thing, and I am excited to see it available to the entire world.

Nations that are interested in establishing more formal ties with Sol may contact Imperator Snayke to set up their Observer Status and send their ambassadors. Those interested in reading the Sol charter are advised to check out the Sol forums to see how we operate.

It's time a third option came into the world, one that can be trusted to remain defensive and help liberate oppressed countries.

Sol Media Director & Vizier Hekter