Black Sheep Art Contest

Day 2,736, 07:40 Published in USA USA by ResouIa

Greetings Black Sheep, Black Sheep supporters, and other onlookers. Since I stopped my active writing a while back due to being busy in the real world, I've noticed our party and MU has lacked active participation in the media module, my favorite module. So In addition to getting more active myself I had an idea to try to encourage more activity.

This idea is stemmed off of my old literary contests. I've decided to attempt "The Black Sheep Art Contest". The goal here is specifically to get the writers and artsy folk in our party and MU, or maybe even friends of our party/MU that simply want a chance at winning some prizes.

Oh yes, btw, THIS COMPETITION HAS PRIZES. What kind of prizes? Q7 Tanks!(UPDATE: Gold Prize will be given away for the "Art" category in addition!) How many? I haven't decided yet! How many winners will receive prizes? I also haven't decided yet! My idea is either large prizes for 1 winner in each category, split prizes (by position) between 2 or 3 winners in each category, or everyone's a winner and split the prize between everyone based upon position. Leave a comment if you have a preference.

This "First edition" of the BSA contest will be sort of a "test run" as I had for my Rareonce Literary competition. I am dipping my toes in the water to gauge interest to see if this is a contest worth doing.

So how can you take part in this competition?

Well, it's easy! There are two categories you can enter. You can enter either, or both.

#1. The first category is Art (Whose winner(s) shall be receiving an additional GOLD prize on top of their Q7 weapons.). To enter the art section of this competition you can draw/paint/doodle/skit/record/bodazzle a picture/painting/banner/gif/video, etc. The only requirement is that it has to be black-sheep related to either the MU or the Party and it has to be clear which one it's for. Hell, it could be for both. I don't even know, this is a test run, just make something black sheep related and win some Q7 tanks!

#2. The second category is writing! To enter the writing section of this competition, you simply need to write an article. This article must also be black sheep related. You can tell us all about how you became a black sheep or why you love being a black sheep. You can write us a poem about the black sheep or make a short-story depicting the adventures of you and your fellow sheep. Maybe even write us a black sheep themed song.

Rule #1. NO direct slander of ANY political party or MU in any of your submissions. If you want to portray another party/mu in a negative light, use symbolism, comedy, or even political commentary. I'll have no "This party sucks" blatantly written on any submissions.

Rule #2. There is no rule #2 yet! But that doesn't mean you're allowed to break it.

To submit your work of art you may either email it to or post it on our black sheep forums.

You MUST post your literary submissions in an article. That article can be emailed to or again, posted on our black sheep forums.

The DEADLINE is one week from now, the 25th. I shall hand out prizes and etc the following day.

Good luck to all that enter! I hope this contest attracts the interest I hope it does. Lets go win some tanks!