BB of Multi-accounts please sign OL

Day 988, 17:35 Published in USA Spain by Marchao


Please help

Today there has been a lot of multi-accounts born in eArgentina.
Obviously they are using a !! to do this, and are generating a huge economic loss to our country. Also tomorrow is the presidential election and these accounts can define that choice. The potential damage that can be generated in our country is immense. We need you to review this situation as soon as possible. One of the biggest announcements of admis is the war on multis.

As a congressman I can see the alerts
Please take a look at this screenshots:

We urge to request you to ban inmediatly the more than 1300 accounts beeing created today August 04 in eArgentina with !! and restore the economic damage made by them as soon as possible.

If you agree that multi accounts made with !! and cheats should be banned and deleted from the game please sign the oppen letter

Thank you,